Chapter 1175

The more Xiao Yuanbao thought about it, the more sad and indignant he became, crying out of breath, he didn't want to be a poor child without a mother.

Han Shushu originally wanted to rest, but when she heard Xiao Yuanbao's cry from a distance, her heart froze, she forgot the rules for a while, and rushed into the bedroom: "Son..."

Chu Mubai cast a cold look over her, and then she remembered that today is different from the past.

She quickly stepped back, lowered her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Yuan Bao is still young, if he is not sensible, the emperor should not be fussy like a child, I will discipline him well in the future."

Chu Mubai sneered: "If you really disciplined me well, I can spare you. If you dare to instigate Yuan Bao, I can take your life away at any time, get out!"

Han Shushu was taken aback, "Yes."

She didn't dare to look at Xiao Yuanbao again, and hurriedly exited the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

It still hurts to be scolded by Chu Mubai like this.But he can't be blamed for this, in his heart, she is just a stranger now.

Yes, saving your life is the most important thing. Only by saving your life can you have the opportunity to live with the one you love.

"Miss, don't be sad. When the emperor gets used to the girl, everything will be fine." Chu Yun saw it clearly from the side, and couldn't bear it.

Han Shushu grinned, and looked at Chu Yun casually: "Don't you like me the least. Now that I'm down and out, you should be happy."

Chu Yun immediately shook his head when he heard this: "Miss, don't be so humble. In the heart of the humble, the girl is the same as the emperor, the master of the humble."

It was many years ago that he didn't like Han Shushu.

In this world, I'm afraid there will be no other woman who loves Chu Mubai like Han Shushu?

"You, ten years have been like a day, all your thoughts are on Thirteen, you should think more about yourself. It's getting late, take me to find a place where I can rest and sleep."

As Han Shushu spoke, he yawned.

Dealing with Chu Mubai is actually very tiring.

"Girl, please." Chu Yun didn't dare to neglect.

He took Han Shushu to the West Pavilion.

The west pavilion is spacious, well-lit, and very close to the warm pavilion.

"What a happy life." Han Shushu fell on the comfortable couch, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Thinking that the two people she loves the most in her life are not far away, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.

He was obviously very sleepy just now, but now he is not sleepy at all.

Suddenly, she remembered the unfinished novel many years ago.Perhaps, it is time to write a happy ending for that novel.

She used to think that novels were too illusory and unrealistic, but looking back now, she still has a little bit of hope in life.

Maybe life is not always so satisfactory, but it is always to live seriously.

No matter whether the hero and heroine in the novel can be together or not, the two supporting roles, Shisan and Han Shushu, must have a perfect ending.

Because after many years, she no longer remembers the specific plot of the story, maybe she should ask Xiaocao to find out the first volume of the novel she wrote many years ago, so that she can continue to write the next plot.

Han Shushu got up early the next morning.

When Xiaocao heard that she wanted to write a novel many years ago, she quickly found it for her.

She flipped through it roughly, put the novel back in the West Pavilion, and then went to the Imperial Hospital to be on duty.

Being a doctor is also her favorite job.Especially the harem is mostly women, no matter whether it is a court lady or a concubine, there is a headache, and it is always inconvenient for those old antiques in the Tai Hospital to see a doctor.

She first made a soup for Qin Ruyu, and watched her take it.

(End of this chapter)

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