Chapter 1176

Doing her own job well, Han Shushu was about to leave Yincui Palace, Qin Ruyu called her: "You should wait here and wait until I fall asleep before you leave."

"Ms. Wu's history of the Secretary Bureau has a high fever. I'll go see a doctor for her first. I'll come to see you when I'm done working there."

Without waiting for Qin Ruyu to speak, Han Shushu hastily left Yincui Palace.

Qin Ruyu watched Han Shushu walk away with complicated eyes.

This woman is lucky, she just entered the Tai Hospital yesterday, and she started to get busy today.She hoped that Han Shushu would show more presence in front of Chu Mubai. What does that woman care about other people's life and death?
How stupid!

When Han Shushu went to the bureau, Wang Zhangzhi was pacing back and forth anxiously. Seeing Han Shushu approaching, Wang Zhangzhi hurried forward: "Girl, this way please."

The Imperial Hospital is full of men, seeing Han Shushu suddenly stationed in the Imperial Hospital, those old antiques deliberately boycotted Han Shushu and did not want to send other imperial doctors to see Wu Nushi.

It is said that Han Shushu's medical skills are superb, and I only hope that Han Shushu can cure Wu Nvshi, otherwise Wu Nvshi will die unjustly.

As soon as Han Shushu entered the bedroom, he smelled a foul smell.

Wang Zhanzhi was afraid that Han Shushu would dislike him, so he was about to explain, but Han Shushu sniffed and said, "Ms. Wu Shi is so ill, why don't you open the window to ventilate?"

This stench is obviously caused by too many toxins accumulated in the body.

The human body is a big container, and it can hold so many things. Everyone's body contains more or less toxic substances.It's just that when the balance tilts, the toxins increase, and the body will naturally give an alarm.

"Because Nv Shi of Wu had a severe fever, she was afraid that she would catch another cold and make her condition worse..." Wang Zhanzhi muttered.

Han Shushu stepped forward and opened all the windows: "If you have a fever, you need ventilation to dissipate heat better."

Sitting in front of the couch, she looked at Nv Shi Wu, who was blushing, and after feeling her pulse, she pricked a needle in Shaofu point, Shangqiu point and other acupoints.

She quickly wrote a prescription and handed it to the king: "You order someone to take the medicine according to this prescription, three doses of medicine a day, and she will be fine tomorrow."

"Is this enough?" Wang Zhanzhi looked at the unconscious Wu Shi, doubting whether Han Shushu's medicine would work.

"Well, go grab the medicine." Han Shushu didn't explain much.

The king in charge was suspicious, so he ordered people to grab the medicine.

When she returned to the house, Han Shushu had already left the bureau.

She probed Wu Nvshi's forehead again, and found that Wu Nvshi's fever had subsided.

In this room, Han Shushu met Lingling just after he left the bureau.

"Your Majesty is not feeling well, Miss Han, please go to Ruyi Palace." Lingling looked at Han Shushu arrogantly.

Han Shushu glanced at Lingling indifferently, remembering that five years ago, this court lady had an innocent face, but now she has learned how to fight against others. After all, it was An Sujing who taught her well.

Han Shushu was about to go with Lingling to meet An Sujing, but Nangong suddenly appeared: "Shushu, follow me."

"King Xiaoyao, you are so courageous..."

Before Lingling could speak, Nangong cast a stern glance over her and silenced her: "Baby maid, go back and tell Concubine Chen that if anyone dares to touch this king's person, this king will make that life worse than death!"

After he finished speaking, he took Han Shushu's bright wrist and walked away quickly.

Lingling stomped her feet in anger, and had no choice but to return to Ruyi Palace to return to her life.

An Sujing heard that it was King Xiaoyao who intercepted her, but she was not upset: "Don't worry, as long as Han Shushu is in the palace, I will have opportunities to deal with her in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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