Chapter 1182 You seduce me (3)

Qin Ruyu showed a strange smile as she spoke, and added: "You also know that my face looks like yours, maybe he subconsciously transferred his love for you to me..."

She stared at Han Shushu fixedly, trying to see some emotion from this woman's expression.

Han Shushu's expression was impeccable, as if he was not surprised to hear what she said.

"You have seen that the emperor treats me differently, haven't you?" Qin Ruyu asked in a low voice.

Han Shushu nodded slightly.

She has been entangled with Chu Mubai for many years and knows that he is a fickle person.He doesn't care about people, he won't look at them more, and he won't say a word more.

But when Qin Ruyu was sick, Chu Mubai would come to Yincui Palace every now and then.

This shows that Qin Ruyu's position in Chu Mubai's heart is different from that of other concubines.

"Do you understand how I feel? Back then, I was Nangong's girlfriend, but Nangong always took you by my side. I watched you sandwiched between the two of us, powerless, I hate you so much to die..."

"Thirteen is not Nangong." Han Shushu interrupted Qin Ruyu with firm eyes.

Qin Ruyu sneered at the sound: "Just by saying this to you, I can tell you that all men in the world are the same. Do you think the emperor will be different? He still abandoned you, and I will let you watch him fall into my arms. In the future, I will still love him and conceive his flesh and blood..."

Looking at Han Shushu whose face was gradually pale, Qin Ruyu felt the pleasure of revenge.

She finally found a way to completely destroy Han Shushu.

She didn't need to match Chu Mubai and Han Shushu with hypocrisy. After all, it was impossible for Nangong to get Han Shushu in his life.

In this way, she can take revenge on Nangong and Han Shushu who hurt her at the same time, killing two birds with one stone!
Maybe in the end, she could still become the empress of Southern Chu, laughing at the world side by side with Chu Mubai.

What is Nangong, just a heartless person.

Han Shushu is nothing but a country woman.

They will all become her stepping stones after ascending to God, and become an inconspicuous background for her smooth progress.

As long as she wants, she can become the empress!
"Xiao Shu, a word from me now can decide your life or death, do you believe it?" Qin Ruyu looked at Han Shushu's back and opened her lips with a faint smile.

Han Shushu looked back at Qin Ruyu, wisely not arguing with each other.

Now she is really at a disadvantage.

Qin Ruyu has great influence on Chu Mubai.Xiao Yuanbao is still young, she is just a little medical girl in the harem, and Qin Ruyu is a royal concubine, what can she use to compete with Qin Ruyu?

Chu Mubai even hated seeing her now.

Just thinking about it, she knows that she is alone and helpless in the harem, and no one can help her.

Every step in the future, she has to walk by herself.

Thinking about things all the way, Han Shushu walked to the south courtyard unconsciously.

A seal was printed on the lintel of the South Courtyard, and there were two guards standing outside the door. This place has become a barren garden.

It seems that everything that is familiar can't go back, whether it is people or things, they have all changed.

She used to be confident that she could get back the thirteen she used to be, but now she has no confidence.

"Shu Shu." Xiaocao's voice sounded behind Han Shushu.

Han Shushu looked back at Xiaocao, frowned and said, "Where's Yuanbao? Didn't I tell you to stay by his side all the time?"

"Don't worry, Yuan Bao is with Shisan, and Chu Yun and Wan Xin are waiting on your side."

(End of this chapter)

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