Chapter 1183 You seduce me (4)

Xiaocao said, looked at the increasingly deserted south courtyard, and said hoarsely: "Thirteen didn't intend to close the south courtyard on purpose. It's just that I happened to pass by here that time, and felt that the courtyard looked too abrupt, so I ordered someone to seal it off." ..."

She knew what the South Court meant to Han Shushu.Don't say that Han Shushu felt uncomfortable after watching it, how could she feel comfortable?

"It's not a big deal. It's just passing by here, so I took a second look. It's getting late, I'll go back to the Tai Hospital first, and you shouldn't stay outside for too long, and protect Yuanbao at all times."

After exhorting, Han Shushu walked up to Xiaocao and showed a bright smile: "Don't worry, I am Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Although I am in a difficult situation, I feel motivated only when I am under pressure."

"The harem is no different than other places, there are murderous threats everywhere, you have to protect yourself." Xiaocao smiled back.

She needn't have worried.

Han Shushu is now a doctor and a poisoner, and his lightness skills are good, and he is Ge Kongkong's closed disciple. It is difficult for ordinary people to bully her.

No matter what the future holds, Han Shushu will have a good life. Even if Han Shushu and Chu Mubai cannot be together in the end, Han Shushu will still live in his own way.

When Han Shushu returned to Taiyuan Hospital, Hu Yuanshi sat in the front seat with a dark face.The other imperial doctors stood at the first place in the history of the Hu Academy, all of them looked optimistic about the show.

"Ms. Han, did Zhang Cairen give you the prescription today?" Hu Yuanshi asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Han Shushu replied softly.

"Zhang Cairen suffered from vomiting and diarrhea after drinking the medicine, and now he is unconscious. If something happens to Zhang Cairen this time, no one can protect you!" Hu Yuanshi's eyes were gloomy: "Now this matter has alarmed the emperor, You'd better think about how to save your life! Don't go to Chuxiu Palace, the emperor will wait for your confession!"

Han Shushu looked at all the imperial doctors present, and without saying a word, he left the Imperial Hospital and headed for Chuxiu Palace.

When she arrived, Chu Mubai was sitting at the side drinking tea, and An Sujing also rushed over to watch the fun.As for Zhang Cairen, he was still unconscious.

Seeing her coming, Chu Mubai lightly opened his thin lips: "Han Shushu, are you going to see Zhang Cairen and prescribe the medicine today?"

"Yes, Rong Weichen will report to the emperor after seeing Zhang Cairen." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he went to the bed and took Zhang Cairen's pulse.

She ordered someone to bring up the dregs of the medicine, and after a careful inspection, she sniffed it carefully, and then told Chu Mubai: "Although the dregs of the medicine seem to be fine, after smelling and smelling them, the subordinate officials found out that there is nothing wrong with them." , There was a small amount of rhubarb and cassia seeds in the medicine dregs. Zhang Cairen was physically weak, and after drinking the decoction with rhubarb and cassia seeds, his condition naturally aggravated."

"Ms. Han, this is just your side story. You said that there were rhubarb and cassia seeds in the medicine dregs. Is this palace and the emperor going to believe it?"

An Sujing sneered and hooked her lips: "Come here, take down the female doctor Han and serve her with severe torture!"

"Wait. If the emperor doesn't believe it, you can hear it yourself." Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai took a deep look at her, took the dregs of the medicine and smelled it, and indeed smelled the medicinal smell of cassia seed.

It's faint, but he does smell real.

"Chu Yun, order someone to thoroughly investigate this case. Anyone involved in the case will not be left behind, and all will be executed!" Chu Mubai stood up, looked at the palace man who was kneeling on the ground, and said, "I don't like intrigues in the harem. The matter is obviously aimed at Han Shushu, if you dare to play tricks under my nose, I will never forgive you!"

(End of this chapter)

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