Chapter 1186 You seduce me (7)

"The imperial concubine is now flattering the emperor whenever she has the opportunity, and other concubines are even flirting with the emperor whenever they have the opportunity. Don't you feel a little nervous?"

Han Shushu talked to Xiao Yuanbao alone, ignoring Wanxin at all.

Wanxin was so angry that she pouted her little mouth and said, "The emperor always likes girls more. What about girls, don't you just want to live together with King Xiaoyao?"

Chu Mubai happened to walk nearby, and he clearly heard what Wanxin said.

He likes Han Shushu?Why doesn't he know it himself?
Just when he was in a daze, Han Shushu's murmured voice drifted into his ears: "Nangong is not bad either. If I become Princess Xiaoyao in the future, I won't be able to go to the palace to play with you all the time."

Chu Mubai clenched his fists again unconsciously, feeling very uncomfortable.

Recalling the scene of Xiaoyao Wang and Han Shushu kissing in the imperial garden during the day, I felt uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because I've seen too many women, but none of them are as promiscuous and shameless as Han Shushu?

As for the East Pavilion, when Wanxin heard Han Shushu's words, she blushed furiously: "The girl is not allowed to marry into Xiaoyao Palace, the girl belongs to the emperor!"

"Your emperor boy hates me, and he doesn't like to see me at all now." Han Shushu said, kissing Xiao Yuanbao's face: "My son is better, he is handsome, handsome, and has a good temper. He is better than Chu Mu. Bai is good-looking, filial, and cute..."

Han Shushu was expressing his opinion when he was stabbed in the arm by Xiaocao.

She immediately shut up, because the atmosphere in the room was suddenly different, and the fool knew that there was an unexpected visitor.

Xiaocao and Wanxin stood upright, and Han Shushu also stood upright.

Because of Chu Mubai's sudden arrival, the previously warm atmosphere became a little tense.

Xiaocao winked at Wanxin, Wanxin understood, and the two women were about to leave.

Xiaocao wanted to take away Xiao Yuanbao, a beautiful boy, but Xiao Yuanbao was worried, and stood in front of Chu Mubai and said, "Father, mother always talks like this, so don't care about it like mother..."

The little guy still wanted to continue to speak for Han Shushu, so Xiaocao simply picked up the little Yuanbao and left quickly.

Only Han Shushu lowered his head, watching the legs of the man in front of him walk up to him, complaining endlessly.

What's this all about, he can't wait to show up as soon as he says something bad about him.

She is used to being outspoken. She seemed to call Chu Mubai "the emperor's boy" just now?
Chu Mubai's aura is domineering, and he doesn't need to look to know that his face is not good, probably because he is angry?
"My minister made a slip of the tongue just now, the emperor don't care about me like this minister..." Han Shushu took two steps back, wiping his sweat from nervousness.

"Do you know that desecrating imperial power is a serious crime of beheading?" Chu Mubai finally opened his mouth.

At first glance, there was nothing wrong with his flat tone, but Han Shushu was flustered. Could it be that Chu Mubai really wanted to kill her?
"Weichen knew it was wrong." She replied hoarsely.

She can't die, Yuan Bao is still so young, she still wants to watch Yuan Bao grow up, get married and have children.

"You are afraid of me." Chu Mubai's words are affirmative.

Han Shushu raised her eyes hastily, just about to speak, when she saw Chu Mubai's gloomy and handsome face flickering under the lights, she opened her mouth, but couldn't say anything.

She was really afraid of Chu Mubai now.

Because if she accidentally made a mistake, she might die in his hands.

She regrets her life, there are still many things to do, she can't die.

(End of this chapter)

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