Chapter 1187 You seduce me (8)

People say that being with you is like being with a tiger, but who would say otherwise?

She was not sure that she would not do something wrong, and she was even more afraid of angering Chu Mubai, and she was afraid that she would die in Chu Mubai's hands without knowing why.

Instead of being so frightened, it's better to stay away from him, so that at least you can stay by his side, even if it's in another way, there's nothing wrong with it.

"Afraid that I will take your life?" Chu Mubai moved closer to Han Shushu.

From very close, he could see the hesitation and panic in her beautiful eyes.Sweat leaked from her white cheeks, and her pink lips trembled slightly, as if she had been frightened.

Han Shushu wiped off her sweat again, and she took another two steps back nervously. Unexpectedly, there was a bed behind her. If she accidentally stumbled, she was about to fall down.

Chu Mubai reached out to grab her waist.

She was dumbfounded for a moment, looking at the face of the man close in front of her, she was so nervous that she forgot to breathe.

She hasn't been so close to him for a long time, so close that she can feel his breath close to her cheek, warm and warm.

"What a shameless bastard, how dare you seduce me with King Xiaoyao?!" Chu Mubai scolded in a low voice, and let go of his hand instantly.

Han Shushu fell down on the couch in embarrassment, dizzy from the fall.

How could she seduce Chu Mubai?

Although she does have this lust, but at present, she does not have the lust, at most she just thinks about it.

"I, I didn't..." She struggled up and defended weakly.

Chu Mubai looked down at Han Shushu from above.She lowered her brows and eyes again, because of the angle, he could see half of her jade neck exposed, which was so white that it hurt his eyes.

In a moment of anger, he grabbed Han Shushu by the collar and said, "If you dare to seduce me again, I will kill you!"

Han Shushu opened his mouth, and finally lowered his head in frustration, not daring to look at Chu Mubai.

Forget it, the emperor said she was seduced, she was seduced.In order to save her life, she just needs to keep hiding wherever Chu Mubai is.

"If you don't speak, do you admit that you are seducing me?" Chu Mubai roughly pinched Han Shushu's snowy palate, and asked in a low voice.

When he touched her greasy chin, he frowned again.

Is it that all women are as smooth as her jade muscles, or is she the only one with such ecstasy jade muscles?
And this woman also gave birth to a prince for him.

Thinking that he had had intimate contact with this woman, but he couldn't remember the details at all, this made him a little confused.

Seeing that Chu Mubai's eyes were getting sharper and murderous, Han Shushu was terrified, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, please don't get excited. Next time there is no order from the Emperor, I will definitely give it to you." If I don't appear in front of the emperor, I will do what I say..."

After she finished speaking, she broke Chu Mubai's hand with all her strength, and then ran away quickly.

Chu Mubai looked back, and only had time to see a small corner of the skirt flash past his sight.

He froze in place in astonishment, Han Shushu could do light work?
And seeing how fast she escaped, it proved that her qinggong is not bad.

Why this woman gave birth to him, he knew about it, but couldn't remember the details.

Even the matter of Han Shushu's lightness kungfu seems to be within the normal range, but he still can't remember why Han Shushu can do lightness kung fu.

After being stunned for a moment, he shouted in a deep voice, "Chu Yun!"

Chu Yun appeared immediately, "What is the emperor's order?"

Chu Mubai hesitated for a moment before asking, "What's the matter with this woman, Han Shushu? Why can't I remember all the details about her?"

(End of this chapter)

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