Chapter 1197 Body Attracts (2)

People like Chu Mubai are quite scheming, but they caught their weakness because they cared too much about Han Shushu before.

Today's Chu Mubai, no one knows what he is thinking.Does he still care about Han Shushu, and what kind of thoughts does he have for himself?Even her deliberate probing just now failed to find any information from Chu Mubai.

"You have to calm down when playing chess. It's strange if you don't lose like a noble concubine." Chu Mubai stood up as he said, "I heard you mention Han Shushu just now. Seeing that she hasn't returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation yet, let me go See what she's doing."

Chu Mubai's move made Qin Ruyu a little confused.

Did he care about Han Shushu and went to see Han Shushu, or did he follow the trend and actually test her?
Before Qin Ruyu could figure out a reason, Chu Mubai had already left the study.

Qin Ruyu frowned slightly.

Is she being self-defeating?

Originally, he wanted to tell Chu Mubai that Han Shushu was entangled with Nangong, which made Chu Mubai hate Han Shushu even more.Fortunately, Chu Mubai was going to see Han Shushu at the Imperial Hospital instead, and it was at this time.

Qin Ruyu followed behind Chu Mubai. On the way to the Imperial Hospital, Chu Mubai didn't speak, and Qin Ruyu also knew how to advance and retreat, and didn't take the initiative to speak again.

After entering the imperial hospital, I found that the lights were bright, except for the imperial guards guarding outside, the imperial hospital was quiet.

Along the way, I didn't see anyone, until I reached the big pharmacy full of medicinal fragrance, Han Shushu was immersed in smelling the medicine.

Xu Shi heard their footsteps, and Han Shushu raised his eyes to look at them.

The dim light reflected on Han Shushu's gentle and beautiful face. Her eyes were like autumn water, her red lips were white, and her hair was slightly messy, hitting her smooth forehead.

Seeing Han Shushu like this, Qin Ruyu was slightly taken aback.

Suddenly, I remembered a very appropriate phrase: beauty is like jade.

I don't know when it started, Han Shushu faded away the greenness from her body, the current Han Shushu is so beautiful that even she, a woman, is quite tempted, let alone Chu Mubai?

Qin Ruyu quietly looked at Chu Mubai's profile.

But he saw that his handsome face was serious, his features were clear and his eyes were elegant, his character was self-contained, but he was overpoweringly noble.

Maybe you are studying psychology, and you can't help but always want to speculate on people's minds.

But she couldn't see anything from Chu Mubai's expression.

"My minister sees the emperor." After being stunned, Han Shushu went to Chu Mubai to salute.

"Why are you still in Tai Hospital at this hour?" Chu Mubai went to Han Shushu's side, and took a rough look at the medicine she was messing with.

He also knows a little about pharmacology, but he has never hunted deeply, so he naturally cannot understand why Han Shushu is addicted to it.

"Today, I'm on the night shift." Han Shushu replied with downcast eyes.

It's this hour, and Chu Mubai is still out for a walk with Qin Ruyu, is it because Chu Mubai has moved his mind on Qin Ruyu?

Thinking of this, her gaze unconsciously drifted to Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruyu looked at her with a smile or not, as if he was protesting her, but also as if he was watching her joke.It seems to be telling her, the person your man likes now is me...

"Go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation." Chu Mubai dropped a sentence, turned around and left.

Han Shushu was stunned.

She's on duty tonight, that's the rule.There are no other imperial physicians in the Imperial Hospital, and there must always be one person staying behind to prevent sudden illness in the harem.

If she left, it would be AWOL.

"This is the imperial decree!" Chu Mubai added without looking back like a roundworm in her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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