Chapter 1198 Body Attracts (3)

Han Shushu only packed up the medicine, and when she passed by Qin Ruyu, she heard Qin Ruyu whisper: "I heard that you and King Xiaoyao had a private meeting in the Imperial Hospital before. Since you have a deep love for King Xiaoyao, why don't you just let it go?" How about asking the emperor for a marriage?"

Han Shushu glanced at Qin Ruyu lightly, left without answering.

After all, Qin Ruyu has a delicate mind.This woman clearly knew that Chu Mubai had profound internal strength, and Chu Mubai heard what Qin Ruyu said just now clearly.

This made Chu Mubai think that she and Nangong had a deep relationship and were an inseparable couple.

Chu Mubai is now a Mingjun, even if he has a little affection for her, he will definitely not do such a nasty thing as stealing the wives of his brothers and friends.

May I ask who is the most scheming, it should be the woman Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruyu's calculations were wrong in one point, she only wanted to get through the day in peace, and never thought of seducing Chu Mubai.

She felt that she would stay by Chu Mubai's side for the rest of her life, and she didn't want to take risks easily.

Chu Mubai misunderstood that she and Nangong were a couple, she thought it was okay, as long as she knew it was not true.What's more, with Qin Ruyu playing so many tricks, it's not likely that Chu Mubai will take it to heart. The person whose family name is Chu has no interest in her now.

After she left the Imperial Hospital, she found that Qin Ruyu hadn't followed her.

Wanxin told her that Qin Ruyu had just come out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and after playing a game of chess with Chu Mubai, he came to the Imperial Hospital.

Seeing Wanxin's ambiguous eyes, she knew that Wanxin had misunderstood again.

Everyone thought that Chu Mubai treated her differently, but in fact, she felt that Chu Mubai was only interested in Qin Ruyu now.

Han Shushu followed behind Chu Mubai, looking at the man's back absently.Obviously so close, yet so far away.Maybe in his whole life, he will never remember that he once loved her...

All the way silent, until to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Mubai never looked at her from the beginning to the end.

Han Shushu looked for Xiaocao in a dispirited way.

Xiao Yuanbao was still asleep, and was very excited to see her back.He was about to rush over, but in the end he backed off pretentiously, walked up to her slowly and said, "Mother is later today than yesterday."

The little guy's tone was quite resentful, obviously he had a lot of opinions about her mother.

"Son, don't wait for me when it's too late, go to bed early. Now I'm a female doctor. I have to be on duty in the Tai Hospital during the day, and I may also be on night shift at night. I won't come back all night. You have more time to spend with your father Emperor..."

"I will accompany my father, who will accompany my mother?" The little guy said, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help it anymore, and threw himself into Han Shushu's arms.

Han Shushu's heart tightened, and he hugged the child tightly in his arms.

This child has always been very filial and intelligent. She didn't know the blessings she had cultivated in several lifetimes to give birth to such a sensible little guy.

"I'm busy all day long, so I don't need your company." Han Shushu said, looking at Xiaocao and saying, "Xiaocao, I'll sleep with Yuanbao tonight, you can go to my place and rest."

It was she who overestimated a child's ability to bear, and she was not at all competent as a mother.

Xiaocao's eyes were red, and she left Dongge alone, leaving alone space for Han Shushu's mother and son.

After Xiaocao left, Han Shushu sang a lullaby to Xiao Yuanbao.

The little guy endured it for a while, and finally told the truth: "Mother sings so badly."

Han Shushu smiled.

She is tone deaf, so of course her singing is ugly. Isn't this to show the greatness of maternal love and show her shortcomings to her children?
(End of this chapter)

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