Chapter 1218 The Emperor Cooks (8)

Han Shushu used to be his woman, but now she is a female doctor and his courtier.

Chu Mubai was thinking, was she his concubine before, or had she followed him for many years without a name?
"You don't have to be cautious, I don't mean to blame you." Chu Mubai stood up as he spoke, and he walked up to Han Shushu, provoking her smooth and delicate snowy palate: "Is there anything you particularly want?"

Han Shushu shook his head faithfully, looking straight at Chu Mubai with beautiful eyes.

All she wanted was Chu Mubai, and now that he was in front of her, she was very satisfied.

"Think again. When I go to court, I want to know your answer." Chu Mubai washed up beside him after speaking.

Han Shushu scratched her head in confusion, she really didn't want anything.She has everything, a man she loves, and he is healthy.There is a clever son, and the son is filial and sensible.

She has already got so much, how can she think of anything else?

Chu Mubai suddenly became nervous and asked her what she wanted.

Could it be that if she said she wanted the stars in the sky, would he pick them off for her?

After Chu Mubai went to the morning court, Han Shushu also left the Hall of Mental Cultivation and went to the Imperial Hospital.

The Tai Hospital procured a batch of precious medicinal materials with a large number of varieties.She volunteered and was busy distributing the medicinal materials, so she forgot Chu Mubai's words.

"Girl, the emperor welcomes you." Wanxin rushed to the imperial hospital and shouted to Han Shushu who was busy.

"I'm busy, isn't the emperor going to review the memorial?" Han Shushu was very busy.

Throughout the huge medicine room, there are thousands of medicine cabinets alone, which must be divided into categories and placed properly.Her qualifications are the most junior, and these things should be done by her.

"Your Majesty's complexion is not good, you should hurry up. Leave these things to other people..." Wanxin just finished speaking, when she was glared at by Han Shushu.

Wanxin doesn't understand anything.If she wants to stay in the imperial hospital for a long time, she can't always push the matter to other imperial doctors, which will cause public anger.

Another quarter of an hour later, Chu Yun also came.

Only then did Han Shushu feel that something was wrong.

She didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurried to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, I feel that the atmosphere is different from before.

When she rushed to the study, she saw Chu Mubai reviewing the memorial.

From a distance, I feel that the aura of alienation and indifference exuding from him is chilling, and he only missed engraving the four characters "Stay away from strangers" on his body.

"My humble servant sees the emperor." Han Shushu walked up to Chu Mubai and saluted.

Chu Mubai never raised his eyes, and asked quietly: "Have you thought about what I asked you to think about?"

Han Shushu was momentarily at a loss for words.

Only then did she remember what he had said when he left earlier.

But she really didn't want anything.

In the past, she liked money because she was poor, but now she is in the palace, and as a female doctor, she has a lot of salary every month, and her son is a little prince, so she will definitely have no worries about food and clothing in the future.

She doesn't have much ambition, and she can't think of what she can want anyway.

At this moment, Chu Mubai finally looked up at her, with a gentle smile, completely devoid of the cold breath just now: "Think slowly, don't rush."

After thinking about it carefully, her black grape-like eyeballs rolled around, and she bent her lips and smiled: "I want the emperor to take care of the dragon's body and stay healthy forever!"

This can not only flatter you, but also solve difficult and miscellaneous diseases, isn't it right?
Chu Mubai was taken aback when he heard the words, he couldn't help laughing, pulled Han Shushu over, and flicked her beautiful jade finger: "Where did you learn this trick?"

(End of this chapter)

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