Chapter 1219 soft and sweet (1)

"You don't need to learn without a teacher. Who can flatter you?" Han Shushu said again, "Your Majesty, this humble minister is busy, and the emperor seems to be busy too. Is it okay to come to Yangxin Palace to serve the emperor after the humble minister is done working?" ?”

She found that Chu Mubai cared about her a little bit, and he would put aside political affairs and put all his mind on her.

This made her terrified.

She didn't want to be his stumbling block at all, and she didn't want to hold him back.

"Here is the freshly boiled porridge, you can go to work after eating."

Chu Mubai said, and handed the hot porridge to Han Shushu.

Han Shushu was about to say that she had eaten a little breakfast and was not very hungry.

But Wanxin winked at her from the side, and reminded in a low voice: "The emperor boiled it himself, girl, eat it quickly."

Han Shushu was flattered and looked at Chu Mubai in disbelief.

Didn't he just come down to court?how come……

She put her head down and finished the porridge quickly, and at the end she said: "Your Majesty, don't do anything for this humble minister in the future—"

Chu Mubai looked at her with clear eyes and elegant eyes.The seemingly harmless expression made her feel that if she said a word more, it would be a blasphemy against him.

This person is really...

"Go and work on you, don't disturb me." Chu Mubai said, and pressed a kiss on the back of Han Shushu's white jade hand.

Han Shushu's face flushed red, and his bright eyes were also stained with shyness.

Chu Mubai looked at her absently.They are all children and his mother, and they are as innocent as a girl.

His long fingers touched her pink and flushed cheeks, and her smooth flesh made his heart tremble.

Han Shushu became more and more embarrassed, she took a step back to avoid Chu Mubai's touch.

She turned around in a hurry and wanted to leave, maybe she was walking too hastily, she stepped on the hem of her skirt, staggered and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately she stabilized her body in a hurry.

Chu Mubai's deep laughter came from behind, she was even more embarrassed, and hurried away.

After running out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, when she saw Qin Ruyu standing outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, all expressions on her face subsided.

"I heard that the emperor personally made soup for you last night, and he cooked porridge for you as soon as he came down. You must be very happy now, right?" Qin Ruyu slowly approached Han Shushu with her habitual aloofness and arrogance. .

Han Shushu looked back indifferently, without answering.

"Xiao Shu, people should be content, don't always dream about things that don't belong to you..."

"It's true that I'm easy to be content. My son is by my side, and so is the man I love. I don't want things that don't belong to me, such as Nangong. Why don't I give them to you?" Han Shushu sarcastically interrupted Qin Ruyu's words.

This woman always thinks that she can control everything, and she is becoming more and more self-righteous.

Hearing Nangong's name, Qin Ruyu's face changed slightly.

This person, this name, Nangong, will always be the deepest pain in her heart.

The man she wanted but could never get, but this woman dismissed him, why didn't she hate it?
Qin Ruyu was full of hatred for Han Shushu in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face.

She smiled lightly and said: "The emperor's illness has not been cured. Are you pestering him day and night to make him go crazy again? Do you want to see him become crazy before you are reconciled?"

"He's fine now." Han Shushu replied coldly, wanting to pass by Qin Ruyu.

She knew that this woman was an expert in psychology. What Qin Ruyu was best at was manipulating people's minds. She couldn't be fooled by this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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