Chapter 1220 soft and sweet (2)

"He is really good now, but if you get too close to him, he will remember everything about you, and the beast in his body will come out again to harm others and himself. At that time, there will be no more wise and mighty Nan Huang, only Crazy neurosis—”

Before Qin Ruyu finished speaking, Han Shushu slapped her face hard.

Qin Ruyu looked at Han Shushu in disbelief, and hadn't recovered from the palm.

"Qin Ruyu, listen to me clearly, I won't tolerate you again! The reason why I haven't touched you is because you helped him heal his illness. You really want to push me into a hurry, and I will be merciless made you!"

After Han Shushu finished speaking in a cold voice, he walked away without looking back.

Qin Ruyu covered her sore cheeks and let out a sneer.

Han Shushu is promising, how dare he touch her face?

It's good, she went to see Chu Mubai with Han Shushu's palm rewarding her, so that Chu Mubai would know that Han Shushu was a vicious femme fatale.

So, how could Chu Mubai still get close to Han Shushu?
Afterwards, she slapped herself twice on the face, and it was true that her face was red-swollen, and then she entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation with a sad expression.

"The concubine sees the emperor." Qin Ruyu bowed to Chu Mubai Yingying, her words choked with sobs.

Chu Mubai never raised his eyes, and replied in a low voice, "Excuse me."

All his attention was focused on the memorial, which made Qin Ruyu grit his teeth in hatred.

Why did Nangong disdain her, and even Chu Mubai didn't want to look at her more?
Why are all men only nice to Han Shushu?How could that woman compare to her, she couldn't figure it out at all.

For a moment, she felt sad and wiped away her tears.

Hearing her sobbing, Chu Mubai finally turned to look at her.

When seeing her swollen face, Chu Mubai opened his lips softly: "Who bullied you?"

He also cried, but he still felt that Han Shushu was more beautiful when he was crying.

Although Qin Ruyu in front of him also had tears in his eyes, he didn't feel anything when he saw it.

"No, just now when I entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, I met Shu Shu, and I didn't want to say something wrong, so as to offend her..." Qin Ruyu bit her plump lower lip lightly, and added with drooping eyes: "She didn't mean to target my concubine, but A concubine is not good and doesn't know how to measure."

"Since you know that you are not good and don't know how to measure, don't make the same mistake again and make her unhappy." Chu Mubai gave Qin Ruyu a cold look, and his voice was not the slightest bit warm.

Qin Ruyu was stunned in place, he did not expect such a result.

She thought that she was somewhat different in Chu Mubai's heart, but what Chu Mubai said made her feel as cold as iron.

No matter what, she is also a noble concubine, and Han Shushu is just a little medical girl.

When Han Shushu hit her, he hit Chu Mubai in the face. How could this man indulge Han Shushu without distinction between good and evil?
Is it because I don’t remember Han Shushu? Why should I treat Han Shushu unconditionally?

"The concubine knows, and when we meet Shu Shu in the future, the concubine will avoid it." Qin Ruyu suppressed the anger in her heart, went to the desk and began to study ink.

She quietly waited on the side, and after a long while, she said: "Today, a concubine met King Xiaoyao, and he was going to see Shushu at that time. I heard that King Xiaoyao and Shushu fell in love with each other, and some palace officials often saw each other. Shu Shu and Xiaoyao Wang had a private meeting in the Royal Garden, and their relationship was very good."

Chu Mubai stopped writing.

What emerged before his eyes was the scene of Han Shushu being kissed by Nangong in the imperial garden that day.

"Is the emperor okay?!"

(End of this chapter)

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