Chapter 1221 soft and sweet (3)

Qin Ruyu exclaimed, and stared at Chu Mubai with wide eyes.

Because in an instant, the brush in Chu Mubai's hand was reduced to ashes.

Chu Mubai regained his composure, his eyes were calm, and he flicked his sleeves lightly: "No problem."

"Is the concubine arguing with the emperor? The concubine should come to accompany the emperor at night. It's important that the emperor is busy with political affairs." Qin Ruyu said, stepped back, saluted Chu Mubai, and wanted to leave.

But Chu Mubai called her to stop at this moment: "Concubine, come back and talk to me."

Qin Ruyu's drooping beautiful eyes flashed a hint of treachery, and when she looked up again, she had returned to normal, turned back to Chu Mubai and said, "If the emperor has anything to do, just ask the concubine to do it."

"Tell me about the past between King Xiaoyao and Han Aiqing. Do they have a deep relationship?" Chu Mubai asked Xu Sheng, and there was no emotion in Qingrun's eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Ruyu stopped being polite: "Your majesty should also know that King Xiaoyao is no longer the former Chu Xiaoyao, but the young master Nangong from another world. Shu Shu is also from that world, and was once an orphan adopted by the Nan family. There is a 20-year relationship between them. It is a lie to say that it is not deep. Shu Shu once loved Xiaoyao Wang for more than ten years, and also thought about being the wife of Xiaoyao Wang. In another world. Speaking of which, they are also a pair of fateful mandarin ducks. If there were not so many accidents, the two of them would have been married long ago..."

Qin Ruyu kept talking, peeping at Chu Mubai's expression from time to time.

I don't know if it's because she is too shallow, or because Chu Mubai is too good at hiding her emotions, but she can't understand whether Chu Mubai is sad or happy at the moment.

"By the way, the emperor may not know it, but in fact Shu Shu was married. When Shu Shu was in the Northern Qin Dynasty, he was married to the King of Nanyang and was once the Princess of Nanyang. Later, the Emperor Qin Zhuiyue of the Northern Qin Dynasty also fell in love with Shu Shu. Can get Shu Shu, Qin Zhuiyue forced the King of Nanyang to give up Shu Shu. There was a time when Shu Shu was the woman Qin Zhuiyue held in his hands. Xiaoyao Wang was flirtatious at the time, and he raised other women besides Shushu, so Shushu gave Xiaoyao Wang a paper divorce letter in a fit of anger. Because of this, Xiaoyao Wang regrets to this day. Speaking of Shushu's life, it is a crime. Many men bend their waists for the bundle, and I heard that even the fourth master once fell in love with the bundle..."

Qin Ruyu continued to fan the flames.

According to her thinking, a powerful man like Chu Mubai is supercilious and doesn't have any kind of woman he wants.

Even if he has some thoughts about Han Shushu at the moment, now that he knows about Han Shushu's past, he will never touch Han Shushu again. This is the pride and self-esteem that a man should have.

From ancient times to the present, no man would allow his woman to be dirty and get involved with other men.

"The imperial concubine's tone of talking about King Xiaoyao seems to be full of love."

Just when Qin Ruyu was proud, Chu Mubai's words almost made her face change.

Thanks to her timely response, she was slightly startled and then smiled: "The emperor should not make fun of the concubine. In the concubine's heart, there is only the emperor. Besides, the concubine is the emperor's woman, so how can she be interested in men other than the emperor? "

"Okay, step back." Chu Mubai flicked his sleeves impatiently.

Qin Ruyu bowed and retreated. Before leaving, she quietly turned her head to look at Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai's eyebrows were lowered, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and a cold chill shrouded his whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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