Chapter 1246 Lou Jinghong (5)

How did Han Shushu know Nangong's complicated thoughts, all her thoughts were on Chu Mubai.Seeing someone taking over her job, she didn't care too much, and ran to Chu Mubai's side, bent down and asked, "Your Majesty, do you want to try the white porridge here?"

"Girl, what kind of status is the emperor, how can he eat the simple food of ordinary people?" Chu Yun was eager to protect the Lord, and couldn't help but cut off the conversation.

When Han Shushu heard this, he thought it made sense.

After all, this is outside the palace, who knows if someone will try to kill Chu Mubai, it is better to take precautions.

"Come here in a bowl, I'll try it." Chu Yun's eyeballs almost fell out at Chu Mubai's words.

Seeing that Chu Mubai was willing to condescend, Han Shushu graciously added a bowl and handed it to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai glanced at the light porridge, and opened his lips coolly: "Help me to cool down."

Han Shushu was speechless for a moment.

This porridge has been cold for a long time, and it will turn into ice if you blow it again.

However, the emperor had spoken, and seeing his arrogance, if she disobeyed the order, she would be treasonous and disobedient!
She made a gesture before handing the bowl to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai glanced at her, and said in a low voice: "No poison test? If something happens to me after drinking this bowl of porridge, can you bear it?"

Han Shushu was speechless again.

This man is really difficult to serve, if she had known, she would not have asked him if he wanted porridge.

It was only when I saw that he came suddenly and there was no good seat to sit, I felt apologetic in my heart, so I asked him if he wanted some porridge to pass the time.

She took a sip of the porridge, and was thinking about pouring it out, but at the next moment, Chu Mubai snatched the bowl from her hand, and began to drink it gracefully.

It can only be said that even drinking porridge is an eye-catching art for a handsome man.

People who don't know think he is painting...

After finishing the porridge, Chu Mubai handed the porridge bowl back to Han Shushu.

After Han Shushu took the bowl, he asked casually, "Is it good?"

After asking, she immediately regretted it.

This arrogant man has always been venomous, and now he is probably going to taunt her severely.

Unexpectedly, on the contrary, Chu Mubai curled his beautiful thin lips: "It's okay."

As soon as he said this, not to mention Han Shushu was dumbfounded, even Chu Yun almost dropped his jaw in shock.

Letting his master drink such things is simply humiliating his master's identity.At this moment, the master actually thinks the porridge is okay?

"Then do you want another bowl?" Han Shushu frowned and asked.

The porridge was cold, and drinking too much would be bad for the stomach, but he seemed to really like it, so I added another bowl for him.

She handed it to Chu Mubai, who just looked at her coldly.

Han Shushu suddenly felt confused.

Chu Yun reminded softly at the side: "Girl, test the poison."

Han Shushu broke into a sweat.

This person is really famous.Didn't you try poison just now, try again?
She took two quick bites before handing the porridge bowl to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai began to eat bite by bite, seeing that he was satisfied, as if he was eating some delicious food in the world.

Han Shushu got goosebumps when he saw it. Chu Mubai's taste is too strange. It's just a bowl of white porridge. Is he as intoxicated as if he was appreciating art?

After finishing the second bowl of porridge, Chu Mubai went to the busy Nangong: "Xiaoyao Wang, can you do it alone?"

"Your Majesty can take Xiao Shu away, she hasn't had a good rest for a few days." Nangong hurriedly stood up and replied.

(End of this chapter)

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