Chapter 1247 Lou Jinghong (6)

"King Xiaoyao, you have contributed a lot to this epidemic, and I will remember your credit. If you don't have enough manpower, you can tell me clearly. Han Aiqing will be taken away, and the epidemic area will be handed over to you." After Chu Mubai finished speaking, under the respect of everyone Sent down and paced out of the epidemic area.

Han Shushu is still stuck in place, and she left with Chu Mubai, isn't it unfair to Nangong?
After all, there are so many patients, Nangong can't do it alone.

"I have already called the imperial doctor, and I am already on my way. Han Aiqing, follow me." Chu Mubai probably understood what Han Shushu was thinking, and said softly.

Only then did Han Shushu follow Chu Mubai with confidence.

She looked at the man's tall back from time to time, and felt happy in her heart, as if she had eaten honey.

I thought Chu Mubai would take him into the palace, but after arriving in the city, Chu Mubai went into a tailor's shop.

She followed Chu Mubai, poking her head curiously, wondering what Chu Mubai was going to do.

Chu Mubai picked out a piece of brocade and gestured on her body, she asked in astonishment, "What does the emperor want to do?"

"I heard that you like life outside the palace." Chu Mubai pursed his lips indifferently.

That person was Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruyu revealed a lot of news last night, he only remembered Qin Ruyu saying that a woman like Han Shushu didn't like being trapped by the red walls of the deep palace.

That being the case, does he have to find a place to stay outside the palace?
But he is the emperor after all, if people know that he doesn't live in Yangxin Palace, but lives outside the palace, it will not be very good.

What's more, he was not at ease to let her live outside the palace.

Maybe there is some compromise.

"Very, I like it very much." Han Shushu didn't understand Chu Mubai's intention of asking this question, and looked down at his toes.

He has a lot of political affairs to be busy, it seems that he left the palace today because of her.

"Then what do you want?" Chu Mubai said as he took another piece of cloth and gestured in front of Han Shushu.

"I didn't think about it." Han Shushu was a little panicked.

"It's impossible for you to live completely outside the palace. Maybe you can go out of the palace for a few days in January, and that's not a big problem. It's not safe outside the palace. I'm always worried about letting you live outside the palace. You can think of a compromise If it is within a reasonable range, I can promise you." Chu Mubai said, throwing away several pieces of cloth.

Neither the quality nor the color of the designs are suitable for Han Shushu's temperament.

He was the first to leave the tailor shop.

Han Shushu followed behind Chu Mubai, still thinking about what he had just said to him.

Chu Mubai didn't seem to be joking, so should she take this opportunity to ask for something?

"Your Majesty, I will take you to a place." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he walked to the south courtyard familiarly.

Chu Mubai followed Han Shushu, only to feel that the woman in front of him was as light as a swallow, walking as if she didn't touch the ground.Her skirt is flying and she has a pleasant smile, but she is so ethereal and moving.

After a while, Han Shusu took him to a separate garden named "South Courtyard".

He looked at the word "South Yard" flying like a dragon and a phoenix on the door plaque, and knew that it was written by himself.

There is also a south courtyard in the palace, but it was sealed by him...

"Your Majesty, come in." Han Shushu pushed the door open and entered.

Qingxin was cleaning the front yard. The moment she saw Han Shushu, she stepped forward in surprise: "Why is the girl here?"

After seeing Chu Mubai, Qingxin was startled again.

She hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "Slaves see the emperor!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Mubai also came.

Chu Mubai skipped Qingxin and walked under the old osmanthus tree.

(End of this chapter)

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