The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1256 The Lord of Xuantian City

Chapter 1256 The Lord of Xuantian City (7)

"If you want to kill, you can do whatever you want, but if you want me to marry you, in the next life!" Chu Yun said firmly.

"Thirteen, you can directly issue the imperial decree." Han Shushu watched the excitement for a while, and then gave Chu Mubai a move.

Chu Mubai gave her a cold look.

What's the matter, why are you staring at her like that?She was just making a marriage happen.

"If Chu Yun doesn't want to marry, then don't marry. I'll just assign Xiaocao another marriage." Chu Mubai's next words shocked all three present.

Xiaocao quickly returned to normal and loosened the restraint on Chu Yun.

It's true, there are so many good sons in the world, why did she find such a short-sighted one to add to her troubles?
But even being kissed by Chu Yun, a piece of dead wood, she didn't care at all.

"Thirteen, then you have to help me grow a gentle, considerate, and considerate gentleman." Xiaocao took Chu Mubai's arm and said.

"There are so many men in the world, I will pick one who is worthy of you." Chu Mubai patted Xiaocao's head lightly.

This girl is his younger sister, the only difference is that she was not crowned princess.If she wanted to marry, she would naturally choose someone with good character.

As for Chu Yun, he didn't expect to have nothing to do with him so soon.

Just now Xiaocao was forcing him to marry her, how come in the blink of an eye, she heard that there were other male candidates, so she didn't want him?

This woman changes really fast.

Chu Yun's mood suddenly became very complicated.

Chu Mubai and Han Shushu were on the side to find some kind of wishful wolf king for Xiaocao, while Xiaocao was playing with the little prince. Everyone was forcing him just now. He is bored.

Xiaocao didn't even think about it, with her tricky personality, which normal man would like her?
Thinking of this, he approached Xiaocao and asked, "Do you really want to marry?"

Xiaocao didn't bother to pay attention to Chu Yun, and pretended not to hear his question.

Chu Yun was not discouraged, and said in a good-tempered manner: "Do you think a man likes you with your temperament? Even if a man is willing to marry you, most likely he wants to have a relationship with you because the emperor favors you... ..."

"You don't need to worry about my affairs!" Xiaocao took Xiao Yuanbao's hand, bypassed Chu Yun and walked away.

Xiao Yuanbao looked back at Chu Yun, and asked in puzzlement, "Don't sister like brother Chu?"

"Would I like that piece of wood?!" Xiaocao snorted coldly, and the voice came out of his nostrils.

The little guy nodded vigorously: "I heard my sister calling Brother Chu in my dream at night."

Xiaocao was startled when she heard this.

No way, she would call Chu Yun the name of that piece of wood in her dream?
How can it be?

"Yuanbao, are you joking?" Xiaocao looked at the little guy who was as big as a kid before him.

This little thing must be lying to himself.

"I'm not kidding, I heard it last night." Yuan Bao replied seriously.

Xiaocao felt very uncomfortable.

If it's true, isn't she miserable?She actually likes a man who doesn't like herself.

The most terrible thing is that they are both in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and they can't see each other when they look up.

However, I have never seen her thinking about Chu Yun before, so why is she acting stupid all of a sudden?
Xiaocao couldn't figure this out anyway.

As for Chu Yun, he was also very entangled, because Xiaocao's sudden marriage troubled him.

He felt that all women in the world are fickle, and Xiaocao is the most fickle.

One moment he was forcing him to marry her, the next moment Xiaocao happily planned to marry someone else.If Xiaocao got married, what would he do?
(End of this chapter)

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