The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1257 The Lord of Xuantian City

Chapter 1257 The Lord of Xuantian City (8)

While Chu Yun was thinking wildly, Han Shushu said that the weather was fine and he was going to go shopping on the streets of Beijing.

Seeing Han Shushu's frightened look, Chu Yun became angry.

It was hard for him to recognize her as the hostess, but Han Shushu liked to make things difficult for him, and even brought Xiaocao to torture him.

Both Xiaocao and Chu Yun had something on their minds, and one stayed by Han Shushu's side, and the other stayed by Chu Mubai's side.

Xiaocao was still holding Xiao Yuanbao's small hand.

Han Shushu looked at Xiaocao for a while, and then at Chu Yun for a while, and she was so happy from ear to ear. She thought this couple was very promising.

A group of people strolled on the street, Han Shushu simply grabbed the little Yuanbao's hand, and took the little guy to go shopping.

She turned her head and saw that Chu Mubai was not interested, so she simply pulled him away, and whispered: "Don't you know how to create a little chance for the two of them? You are so stupid, you are still the emperor."

Chu Mubai glanced at her indifferently, and asked softly, "Are you stupid?"

Han Shushu sneered: "Pretend I didn't say anything."

She took the little ingot to the peddler who made small dough figurines, and said to the little guy, "Son, I like this, do you want to buy it?"

The little guy gave Han Shushu a disdainful look: "Mom, I'm the kid, why don't you ask me which one I like?"

"I like what you like, don't you?"

As Han Shushu said, he was about to take down his favorite little noodle man and buy it, when there was a sudden noise behind him.

The next moment, someone rushed towards them.

She subconsciously brought Little Yuan Bao behind her, and the man almost fell by her feet.

The man was unkempt, and his face could not be seen clearly, but his body was covered in filth, and his legs and feet seemed to be shaky, which looked pitiful.

At this time, the strong man who beat someone was holding a wooden stick and wanted to do it. Han Shushu said coldly, "What are you doing? He has already been beaten like this. What else do you want?"

"He owes a gambling debt of 100 taels. If he doesn't pay back the money, he will have to pay with his life!"

The strong man's words made Han Shushu frown.

It turned out to be a gambler.

There are two kinds of people in this world who are hard to turn back.One is drug addiction and the other is gambling addiction.

I'm afraid that after saving this time, this person will make the same mistakes again next time.

"Madam, save me. Madam saved me this time. I won't gamble again. If Madam needs it, I will work hard for Madam..." At this time, the man suddenly kowtowed to her repeatedly, every time he kowtowed firmly.

Han Shushu looked at the man for a while, and finally his heart softened.

"Chu Yun, give them 100 taels." Han Shushu said to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun gave the money as promised, and sent the two strong men away.

And the man repeatedly kowtowed to Han Shushu to thank him.

Han Shushu looked at the man coldly for a while, and then said softly, "The reason why I saved you is that everyone should have a chance. You'd better quit gambling, although I don't think you can do it."

"I can do it!!" The man suddenly raised his head, looked at Han Shushu and said seriously.

Han Shushu was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that the man's eyes were very bright, and he also looked very young.

It's just that his face was covered by messy hair, so he couldn't see his true face clearly.

"It's best." Han Shushu took another look at the man, then took Xiao Yuanbao's hand, and walked away beside Chu Mubai.

The man sitting on the ground watched Han Shushu and Chu Mubai's father and son drift away, his eyes getting darker and colder.

He looked at the little noodle man in his hand, which he snatched just now before Han Shushu.That woman turned out to like things like this...

(End of this chapter)

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