Chapter 1283 Refusing to serve the bed (3)

Let's say that after Han Shushu left the elegant bathing pool, she ran to the vicinity of the South courtyard.

Seeing the deserted south courtyard, she suddenly thought of the good old days.

Anyway, she can't go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, since she has no place to stay tonight, she might as well spend the night in the South Courtyard.

She bypassed the dozing guards at an extremely fast speed, and flew into the courtyard wall.

When she saw the broken sweet-scented osmanthus tree under the moonlight, she felt hot and sat on the swing.

With the dim light, she saw that the new shoots were also growing silently in autumn, and they had grown a lot.

Such tenacious vitality made her feel that it was God's blessing and mercy.

Her heart suddenly became peaceful, and she stared at the tender leaves of Guizi for a long time. She sat on the swing and fell asleep in a daze.

Not long after Han Shushu fell asleep, Lou Jinghong who was hiding in the dark appeared.

The news about Han Shushu's refusal to serve the bed was spreading in the palace, and it was hard for him not to know.

He immediately thought of the South Courtyard.

It was said that the South Courtyard was the place where Chu Mubai and Han Shushu made love, and as expected, he found this woman who got into trouble but was sleeping peacefully here.

People all over the world are looking for her, but she guards the south courtyard, sleeping quietly.

It's not that I haven't seen beautiful women, there are many people who are more beautiful than Han Shushu.It's just that so many beauties came and went, but he couldn't remember any of them.

Perhaps it was the pity she had when she looked at him during the day that made him remember her.

For as long as he can remember, he has fought hard to survive, and he has not had a peaceful night's sleep.He was afraid that once he closed his eyes, he would never see the world again.In order to become a strong man, he killed people every day, stepped on the corpses, and walked with blood.

In the end he became the supreme king.

Before the king, he was the prey of others.After the king, he is the god worshiped by everyone.

And who would sympathize with him or pity him?That's just her.

The face of the woman under the moonlight is small and delicate, neither gaudy nor kitsch.She was quiet, like a child who didn't know much about the world.

I don't know if she will be able to be at ease if her innocent face is torn apart one day...

There were noisy footsteps approaching, and he took another deep look at Han Shushu who was sleeping peacefully, and Lou Jinghong disappeared without a trace in the dark night.

When Chu Mubai led the crowd to the South Courtyard, the two guards guarding the door woke up from their dreams and knelt down in front of Chu Mubai in fright.

Chu Mubai waved his sleeves lightly, signaling them to be silent.

He jumped up and entered from the wall, and what caught his eyes was Han Shushu sleeping peacefully.

The whole world was looking for her, but she found a good place to rest. This woman is really...

Chu Mubai was full of anger.

The original intention was to give her a blow, let her know that the imperial power is supreme, and his words are imperial edicts.If he wanted her, she had to obediently offer her body.

Who knew that this woman was so disobedient, knowing that he was going to announce her to sleep with her, but she ran away by herself, and even found a shelter to settle herself well.

Seeing her sleeping sweetly now, his anger was easily evaporated to nothing.

If she doesn't want to sleep with her, then just let her go. After all, he doesn't have much interest in bed-brother affairs between men and women.It's just that after kissing her soft lips today, and being angry with this woman again, it was only on a whim that he wanted to announce her bedtime.

(End of this chapter)

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