Chapter 1284 Refusing to serve the bed (4)

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu's peaceful sleeping face for a long time before stepping forward to hook the woman in his palm.

She is so light that she doesn't weigh much. Is this girl's body too thin?
If you really want to announce her to be a servant, you still have to make her fatter for nothing, otherwise, what should you do if you lose her slenderness?
He gently sniffed her lips, it was her unique smell, maybe there was also a faint fragrance after bathing.

At this time, Han Shushu, who was sleeping peacefully, opened her sleepy eyes. The moment she saw Chu Mubai, she whispered, "Your Majesty..."

Her thoughts were in chaos, and she completely forgot that she was "absconding in fear of crime".

Just seeing this person's face, Mo Ming felt at ease.Moreover, his embrace was very comfortable, and he felt more sleepy at the moment.Automatically and consciously found a place in his arms, and she fell asleep again.

Chu Mubai could only sigh silently.

People all over the world are looking for her.She caused trouble by herself, but she still slept in his arms with peace of mind. How could there be such a woman in the world who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth?
But seeing her trust in him so much, a faint joy welled up in his heart.

In fact, she didn't reject him, for example, when she saw him just now, she was able to continue to sleep peacefully, which proved it.


When Chu Mubai jumped out from the south courtyard, Chu Yun immediately stepped forward to meet him.

Chu Mubai glanced over with a cold look, and Chu Yun immediately fell silent.

This woman Han Shushu is really amazing.If they got into trouble, their master had to find someone in person, and in the end, the master had to take him back in person.

Seeing Chu Mubai's satisfied face, it was completely different from the extremely angry expression before.

This can only show that Han Shushu is too powerful a woman.

Chu Mubai took two steps, looked back at the South Courtyard, and said in a low voice, "Unseal the South Courtyard and take care of it."

"Yes." Chu Yun replied in a low voice.

Everyone followed Chu Mubai and left the South Courtyard.

When there was no one in the south courtyard, Lou Jinghong, who was hiding in the dark, appeared.

He looked at the dark night in a daze, for some reason, he felt very empty in his heart, but he didn't know why it was empty.

"Abi." Lou Jinghong's sullen voice resounded in the dark night, appearing extremely cold.

Abi responded, "The servant is here."

"Find two of the most beautiful concubines and send them to the south courtyard, and I will enjoy them tonight." Lou Jinghong ordered coldly.

"Yes, young master!" Abi replied hoarsely, with a flash of pain in her eyes.

She served Lou Jinghong for many years, but Lou Jinghong never touched her.

She watched countless women being beaten by Lou Jinghong, but she didn't understand why Lou Jinghong didn't want to touch her.She was just as clean, so why did Lou Jinghong refuse to let her serve her?
All the women in Xuantian City are afraid of Lou Jinghong, and she is just like that, but at the same time, she also deeply loves this man.For this man, she is willing to give everything, even her life.

It's a pity that he never regarded her as a woman.

Abi went to Chuxiu Palace, found Pan Cairen, and also found Qi Guiren.These two are the most beautiful women among all the concubines, so Lou Jinghong should be satisfied?
When Pan Cairen and Qi Guiren woke up, they found that they were blindfolded.

Pan Cairen was so frightened that she wanted to tear off her mask, when a man's voice rang in her ear: "If you see my face, I can only kill you!!"

The man's voice was like a ghost, and it was treacherous and sinister. When it rang in her ears, her heart suddenly froze.

(End of this chapter)

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