Chapter 1285 Refusing to serve the bed (5)

Although Pan Cairen couldn't see the man's face, for some reason, she was sure that this man was stunning, even if he...

Pan Cairen felt a chill all over her body, she knew that her clothes had been taken off.You can't see the other person's face, but you can feel the heat radiating from him.

The next moment, severe pain came from her body, and the other party took her body without mercy, causing her to scream in pain, and finally passed out.

Qi nobleman was also very frightened when he heard Pan Cairen's screams.

She pulled back the veil recklessly, and when she saw Lou Jinghong's male face that fascinated all living beings, she exclaimed.

Lou Jinghong shook off Pan Cairen, got up gracefully, pulled the clothes on his body, and then walked up to Qi Guiren: "It's a pity, you are still so young, you have to die under the hands of this seat. Forget it, I know you haven't tasted it yet." The smell of a man, before you die, this seat..."

"Master, you can't. If nobleman Qi's body is found and broken, there will be chaos in the palace, and it will be difficult for the young master to move around in the palace in the future." Abi hurriedly reminded.

Lou Jinghong paused, thinking that this was reasonable.

What's more, he has no interest in these women at all, and Pan Cairen just now is also boring. Such a woman is actually the most beautiful woman in the palace?

"Clean it up." Lou Jinghong didn't want to do anything, and ordered Abi quietly.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness..." Qi Guiren was so frightened that his face was as pale as paper, and he moved back step by step.

Abi smiled at her, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt, it will pass in the blink of an eye."

She will give Mrs. Qi a happy time and let her go without pain.

The terrified expression on Qi Guiren's face was quickly replaced by An Xiang, she smiled idiotically, and fell silently, like a wilted flower...

The next morning, the news about nobleman Qi's sudden death in his bedroom spread throughout the inner palace.

Han Shushu was still on the dragon couch in the Hall of Mental Cultivation at that time.She slept soundly and stretched.

After getting off the dragon bed, she was about to get dressed when she suddenly remembered that something was wrong.

By the way, last night Chu Mubai suddenly wanted her to serve her bed. She knocked out the maid named Xin'er and ran to the south courtyard by herself.

That being the case, how could she wake up in the dragon couch?

She vaguely remembered that she seemed to be moved halfway, when she saw Chu Mubai's face.At that time, I thought I was dreaming, but it turned out to be real.

What's even more strange is that Chu Mubai didn't punish her when she disobeyed the imperial decree, injured someone, and ran away?

Is Chu Mubai still the cruel and heartless emperor?
"Wanxin, was the emperor not angry yesterday?" Han Shushu asked Wanxin.

Wanxin smiled and shook her head: "Why is the emperor willing to be angry with the girl? It's too late to pet the girl."

"Come on, he will spoil me? I don't believe that he wanted me to sleep in such a humiliating way yesterday." Han Shushu replied disdainfully.

Thinking of this incident, she was also daring at the time.

But Chu Mubai didn't punish her, which puzzled her.

After Han Shushu washed up, she was brought to the dining table by Wanxin, and there was a pile of delicious breakfast.

"The emperor ordered someone to prepare this. The girl had breakfast before going to the Imperial Hospital to be on duty. The emperor said that the girl should be fatter." Wanxin smiled ambiguously at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu smirked and ate a lot of breakfast before leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When she walked halfway, she heard some palace people talking about the death of a nobleman in Chuxiu Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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