Chapter 1286 Refusing to serve the bed (6)

Han Shushu suddenly became interested, and turned to Chuxiu Palace.Unexpectedly, I walked halfway and saw a familiar figure, who was staggering and walking with difficulty.

She quickly ran to the other party and blocked his way: "Xiao Louzi, are you injured again?"

"No." Lou Jinghong tried to hide his injured leg.

Han Shushu squatted in front of him and picked up his trousers.When she saw the bloody knife wound on it, her eyes darkened slightly: "Who hurt you?! I'll help you teach him a lesson!"

"Your servant is fine. Miss, don't get angry over such a trivial matter. The servant has just entered the palace on duty, and this is what he deserves."

Lou Jinghong avoided Han Shushu's touch.

"You encourage the arrogance of the villain like this, it's just worrying. The villain will use violence to counter violence, understand?"

Han Shushu's words made Lou Jinghong look sideways.

He had always thought that this woman was a benevolent woman, but he was really surprised that she could say the words of using violence to control violence.

"Okay, I'll help you go to Taiyao to treat the wound first. The wound is so deep, if it becomes inflamed, you won't be able to keep your leg." Han Shushu stepped forward to support Lou Jinghong's waist.

She just felt that Lou Jinghong hurt his leg and it was difficult for him to walk, and she just wanted to help him.

Lou Jinghong's complexion changed, he could feel the heat of the little woman's hand on his waist, and the fragrant shoulders on his arms were also weak and boneless.

Because she was too close, the faint scent of soap on her body lingered in his nostrils, which disturbed him.

It's not that he has never had a woman before, he only played with the most beautiful concubine in the harem last night.

At this moment, he felt that Pan Cairen was not as attractive as Han Shushu's body.

He was about to stop, but Han Shushu slapped him with a palm: "Be obedient, I will take you to heal the wound. If your leg is limped, you will be bullied even more in the future. After the injury is cured, tell me Whoever bullies you, I will help you out..."

Han Shushu might have said something else, but Lou Jinghong didn't hear a word.

He has been smelling the fragrance of her hair, thinking that this fragrance is what he likes...

"It's strange, where did the people in Tai Hospital die?" Han Shushu whispered while helping Lou Jinghong treat the wound.

Are all imperial doctors like this?

She got up late today, and came here after having breakfast in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.I thought I was too late, but she was the first one.

"I heard that Miss went to bed last night?" Lou Jinghong asked casually.

Han Shushu was taken aback, and looked up at the eunuch in front of him, "Can't you see that you are usually indifferent, but you are quite gossip?"

"Girl, just answer yes or no!" Lou Jinghong's tone was a little tough.

Han Shushu was bluffed by Lou Jinghong, she replied subconsciously: "No."

Although she came out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, she didn't attend any bed.

Anyway, it should be considered a good thing to muddle through like this last night, right?
"It seems that the emperor doesn't like the girl's body anymore." Lou Jinghong sneered and curled his lips.

"Why does he look down on me? It's obvious that I don't like him, okay?" Han Shushu immediately retorted out of shame.

Lou Jinghong's sneering smile deepened: "Nowadays the emperor looks down on girls, what kind of man is the girl looking for?"

In such a loud voice, he actually said he didn't like Chu Mubai?
"Just, just like the emperor." Mentioning Chu Mubai, Han Shushu blushed.

(End of this chapter)

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