Chapter 1288 Refusing to serve the bed (8)

An Sujing's face changed slightly.

Why does Qin Ruyu need to remind her like this?
She had been in the harem for many years, how could she not know that Chu Mubai looked down on any woman except Han Shushu?
This Qin Ruyu's jealousy is so rampant.When Han Shushu is eradicated one day in the future, she must destroy this woman Qin Ruyu!
No one can compete with her for Chu Mubai, this godlike man only belongs to her!

After another quarter of an hour, the tall and straight figure in the dragon robe entered Chuxiu Palace, An Sujing and Qin Ruyu rushed ahead and saluted him: "My concubine welcomes the emperor!"

Chu Mubai glanced at the two women in front of him, waved his dragon sleeves lightly, and avoided their salute.

The other concubines also rushed forward and saluted Chu Mubai one after another.

Many people had guessed that Chu Mubai would come to Chuxiu Palace, and they all dressed up beautifully.

They didn't care about how nobleman Qi died, they just wanted to show their faces in front of Chu Mubai.If Chu Mubai can catch him with a glance, he will be able to leap to the Dragon Gate from now on.

It's a pity that Chu Mubai never looked directly at the concubines.

In his eyes, all women are the same, seeing him is like bees seeing sugar, he hates women so obsessively.

Han Shushu is different.

She obviously had the opportunity to serve her bed, but she still wanted to run away.

It seems that the saying is right, the less you can get, the more you want.

If a **** gets Han Shushu's body, will she lose interest in her?
Thinking of this possibility, Chu Mubai felt that it would be better to take it slowly.

If the only woman he was interested in stopped attracting his attention, wouldn't his days be more boring in the future?
Not long after, Wu Zuo came to Chu Mubai and replied: "Report to the emperor, Qi nobleman drank Hedinghong, which belongs to self-overflow."

"Are you sure?" Chu Mubai asked quietly.

"According to Weichen's diagnosis, nobleman Qi is indeed posthumous, and here is nobleman Qi's suicide note!" Wu Zuo replied affirmatively, and handed over the suicide note.

Chu Yun took the suicide note, read it carefully before asking: "Are you sure this is the handwriting of nobleman Qi?"

"I have already asked the palace servants who are serving nobleman Qi, and it is nobleman Qi's handwriting that is correct."

"Bury well." After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he left Chuxiu Palace without looking back.

I only feel sorry for the well-dressed concubines.It was not easy to put on makeup and put on heavy makeup, but Chu Mubai never looked at them.

After the crowd, only Pan Cairen stood stiffly.

Up to now, she has not recovered from the accident last night.

She couldn't see who the man who broke her body was, but suddenly realized that she didn't hate that man at all.

She clearly remembered that nobleman Qi was with her last night, that is to say, nobleman Qi was probably killed by the man who raped her.

It's just that she didn't say anything about it.

She just wanted to know who that man was, and she even hoped to meet him and see his real appearance.

At the end of the day, Pan Cairen didn't think about tea and food, he just felt like he was suffering from lovesickness.

It was too ridiculous for her to be right for a man who had never seen his face and ruined her innocence even more.

Recalling what happened last night, she suddenly realized belatedly that she must use contraception.

If she suddenly became pregnant, and the current emperor knew that she had been defiled, not only would her life be lost, but the nine clans would also be implicated.

Thinking of this possibility, she ordered her servant Xiaoyu to go to the Imperial Hospital and asked Han Shushu to come over.

(End of this chapter)

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