The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1289 There Is One Person Waiting For Her Chapter Family

Chapter 1289 There is a person waiting for her to go home (1)

When Han Shushu came to Chuxiu Palace, the moment he saw Pan Cairen, he felt that this talented person was as beautiful as a flower.

At this moment, Pan Cairen's Liu Yan's brows were tightly furrowed, slightly stained with melancholy, and her watery eyes were shrouded in even more melancholy.Her delicate body seemed to be blown down by the wind, so she was very cute.

If Chu Mubai saw such stunning beauty, would he be tempted?
Just when she was dazed, Pan Cairen pushed Xiaoyu away, and then said softly: "Master Han, I want a pair of contraceptives..."

Han Shushu looked at Pan Cairen suspiciously upon hearing this.

Pan Cairen wanted contraception for no reason, could it be that she had already slept with Chu Mubai?
"Has the emperor called you to bed?" Han Shushu asked coldly.

Chu Mubai is not such a man, what's more, last night he intended to invite her to sleep with him.That being the case, how could he have a reason to call Pan Cairen to sleep with him?
What's more, she clearly remembered that Chu Mubai picked her up last night, and she got up again this morning in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Pan Cairen's beautiful eyes were stained with light mist, and she knew that she couldn't hide this matter.

Hearing that Han Shushu is actually very kind, now, she has no choice but to put all her eggs in one basket.

She knelt down in front of Han Shushu: "It's not the emperor, I beg Mr. Han to save my life. I didn't intend to betray the emperor."

When Han Shushu heard this, he quickly helped Pan Cairen up.

She even opened the door directly, and looked around to make sure that no one was eavesdropping, so she felt relieved.

"Young master is so confused, how could you do such a deviant thing?" After closing the door, Han Shushu helped Pan Cairen to sit down beside him.

Thinking of what happened last night, Pan Cairen burst into tears, feeling ashamed and annoyed. When she found out that she had a strange feeling for the perpetrator, she was even more ashamed and angry.

"Did it happen last night?" Han Shushu asked in a low voice.

Pan Cairen nodded with tears in her eyes. She grabbed Han Shushu's hand and said in a choked voice, "Master Han, I didn't tell anyone about this matter. I also have difficulties. They say that Master Han is kind-hearted. I only went to Master Han when I had no choice, and Master Han must help me."

"Don't cry. It's still too late. I'll cook a soup for you later and bring it over in person. You sleep for a while."

Han Shushu helped Pan Cairen to lie down, then got up and left Chuxiu Palace.

After she returned to Tai Hospital, she grabbed a pair of contraceptive pills when no one was looking, and went to a place where no one was watching to cook the traditional Chinese medicine by herself.

After making sure that no one was watching her, she processed the medicinal residues in batches and destroyed the corpses.

When she was carrying the prepared Chinese medicine to Chuxiu Palace, she met Xiao Louzi again on the way.

"Little Lou!" Han Shushu shouted to the eunuch in front of him.

Lou Jinghong looked back at her, still indifferent.

What Han Shushu is most afraid of is such indifferent people, she quickly rushed to Xiao Louzi: "Is the injury on your foot better?"

Lou Jinghong remained silent, but pressed his lips tightly.

"You have such a temper!" Han Shushu looked at Lou Jinghong's leg.Seeing that he was walking much better than in the morning, he felt relieved: "You have to be more tactful in dealing with people. There are everyone in the palace than outside the palace. If you don't value yourself, how can others value you?" ?”

Lou Jinghong still had a cold face, she felt that she was sticking to someone's cold ass with a hot face.

Forget it, Xiao Louzi is such a virtue, there is nothing to say.

"Xiao Shu!" At this moment, Nangong's voice sounded behind her.

Han Shushu looked back and saw Nangong standing not far behind her gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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