The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1290 There Is One Person Waiting For Her Chapter Family

Chapter 1290 There is a person waiting for her to go home (3)

After Pan Cairen finished drinking the contraceptive decoction, Han Shushu took the bowl and went outside to clean it, destroying the body and removing any traces.

Lou Jinghong took advantage of this gap to enter Pan Cairen's bedroom.

The moment Pan Cairen saw Lou Jinghong, he was about to ask who he was, but Lou Jinghong spoke first: "From now on, the slave will be in charge of serving the young master!"

Lou Jinghong deliberately used his original voice.

The moment Pan Cairen heard it, his eyes widened in shock.

Lou Jinghong approached Pan Cairen with a sneer, and said in a low voice, "If you dare to gossip, I will kill you!"

At this moment, the sound of Han Shushu's footsteps was approaching, and he stepped back two more steps, standing aside politely.

Pan Cairen looked at Lou Jinghong with tears in his eyes, but he didn't expect that this person would come to his door by himself.What kind of person is he, why would he enter the palace pretending to be a eunuch?How dare they sneak into Chuxiu Palace.

When Han Shushu pushed the door and entered, he was dumbfounded when he saw Lou Jinghong: "Little Louzi, why are you here?!"

Lou Jinghong replied neither humble nor overbearing: "From now on, this slave will take care of Little Master Pan, please see Miss."

Han Shushu smiled dryly, then looked at Pan Cairen.

I saw the beauty's teary eyes, her already pitiful face was even more pitiful at this moment.

She hurried forward to help Pan Cairen wipe away her tears, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, Xiao Louzi just looks a little fierce, and he's not a bad person. Don't let him scare you, my lord."

Lou Jinghong heard it clearly, and looked at Pan Cairen with a sneer.

Seeing the murderous look in his eyes, Pan Cairen lowered his head in shock, trembling with fright.

"Little Louzi, Pan Cairen is your master, how dare you commit an offense? Tired of work, aren't you?!" Han Shushu could tell at a glance that it was Lou Jinghong who was scaring people.

"Xiao Louzi didn't dare to say what the girl said." Lou Jinghong replied calmly.

"How can there be such a bold eunuch?" Han Shushu muttered to himself in puzzlement.

Pan Cairen is so cowardly, with a eunuch like Xiao Louzi serving him, will he not be bullied by Xiao Louzi in the future?
Looking at Pan Cairen's delicacy and beauty, she was really worried about handing Pan Cairen over to Xiao Louzi.

Although she only met Xiao Louzi a few times, she also saw that Xiao Louzi was not a kind person.

After all, it takes extraordinary will to survive with such serious injuries.

Sometimes she saw the shadow of Chu Mubai in Xiao Louzi.

Usually, people who have been traumatized in childhood grow up to be cruel.Be ruthless to yourself, and even more ruthless to others!
"My lord, if you think Xiao Louzi is not good, I'll ask the emperor to change you to a eunuch, what do you think?" Han Shushu said softly, fearing that he might frighten Pan Cairen.

Pan Cairen looked at Lou Jinghong immediately, and saw the man's long and narrow eyes full of hostility without any surprise.

She immediately shook her head and replied, "Xiao Louzi is very good, I won't change it!"

Lou Jinghong didn't scare her, and she wouldn't change anyone, because she liked this person.The moment she heard his voice last night, she fell in love with him inexplicably.

"Are you sure he's fine?" Han Shushu turned to look at Lou Jinghong who was standing aside.

"Very sure. Mr. Han, I'm sorry for your trouble this time, thank you for your generous help." Pan Cairen changed the subject.

"It's okay, it's trivial. If you need anything in the future, just come to me. Also, if Xiao Louzi bullies you, tell me too, and I will help you cure him!" Han Shushu said, patting Pan Cairen's hand Shoulder, "You take good care of yourself, I'll go back to the Tai Hospital first."

(End of this chapter)

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