The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1291 There Is One Person Waiting For Her Chapter Family

Chapter 1291 There is a person waiting for her to go home (4)

"Miss helped the young master to heal his illness, and if he left like this, the young master would feel very sorry. The young lady stayed to eat dinner, which is the young master's wish. The young master has no friends in the palace, and now the young lady has to help her out of righteousness. The little master is really grateful."

Xiao Louzi said to himself.

Han Shushu looked back at Xiao Louzi, and then at Pan Cairen.

Pan Cairen nodded vigorously: "Master Han, please stay for dinner, I'm so lonely by myself."

But whatever Lou Jinghong wants, she will grant him.

She could see that Lou Jinghong came for Han Shushu.

The person he wants is Han Shushu.

But Han Shushu is Chu Mubai's woman, what will Lou Jinghong do to grab Chu Mubai?

Han Shushu was a little hesitant.

She knew that the harem was deep, but Pan Cairen was very innocent and young, so she could see that Pan Cairen was not a scheming person.Is it really good to just stay and eat?

"It seems that the girl looks down on the young master, just because the young master is a young talent..."

"Little Louzi, you're so indebted to me! It's fine, I'll just have dinner here." Thrilled by Lou Jinghong, Han Shushu immediately agreed.

When it was time for dinner, Han Shushu couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he saw that there was only one meat dish and two vegetarian dishes on the table.

There is a serious hierarchy in this harem.

A talented person like Pan Cairen can also have such a meal treatment.

"Xiao Louzi, sit down and eat together." Pan Cairen looked at Xiao Louzi who was standing aside.

Xiao Louzi didn't make a sound, but looked at Han Shushu.

Han Shushu glared at him angrily: "What am I doing? Your master tells you to sit down!"

Lou Jinghong was waiting for this sentence. He sat down next to Han Shushu, and couldn't help but sarcasm: "The girl is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so she must not be used to such simple food. I really feel wronged."

Han Shushu took a deep breath and told himself that there was no need to be as knowledgeable as a vicious eunuch.

But in the end she still couldn't hold back, and shouted loudly at Lou Jinghong: "Are you going to die if you don't speak?!"

How could there be such a disgusting person?No wonder they are beaten every day.If she faced such a debtor every day, she would definitely chase him every day.

Lou Jinghong snorted softly, didn't speak any more, and buried himself in his meal.

It was only then that Han Shushu remembered that Pan Cairen was the owner of Xiao Louzi, and she smiled at Pan Cairen embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I just have a bad temper, so don't take it for granted, I'm not against you. I have an opinion, I think Xiao Louzi is really too unpleasant..."

"It's true, not everyone is as cute as the emperor." Lou Jinghong sarcastically said again.

"Of course, Shisan is the best man in the world!" Mentioning Chu Mubai, Han Shushu forgot to be angry, and his tone lightened.

Lou Jinghong's eyes darkened slightly, and the hand holding the chopsticks kept exerting force.

Just when he couldn't control himself, he put down the bowl and chopsticks, and left without looking back.

"What's the matter?" Han Shushu felt confused and asked Pan Cairen in puzzlement.

Pan Cairen lowered his eyebrows and looked depressed.

Seeing her like this, Han Shushu ate a little quickly, put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, "Young master is weak, so you have to take good care of your body. The most important thing is to be cheerful. I'm full, so I'll go back to the Tai Hospital first."

"Master Han, go slowly, you will have to come and sit with me often when you have free time." Pan Cairen hastily got up and saw him off.

"Okay, okay." Han Shushu responded repeatedly, and left the other garden.

(End of this chapter)

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