Chapter 1299 Want to get him (5)

Because he didn't know where to start, Qin Ruyu felt that he had walked into a dead end.

It's a pity that she doesn't have martial arts, otherwise she would force that man Chu Mubai into her couch and force him!

There is nothing she can't get that she wants to get.Even in the previous life, wasn't Nangong's difficult bone easily taken by her?What's wrong with Chu Mubai who is also a man?

Qin Ruyu finally left the South Court angrily.

Not long after she left, Lou Jinghong appeared and smiled evilly, "Abi, what do you think is so good about Chu Mubai? So many women are dying for him."

Qin Ruyu, a woman, wanted to drug Chu Mubai even more. It was ridiculous to be able to do such a thing.

"In the hearts of slaves, the best man in the world is the city lord." Abi replied softly.

Lou Jinghong laughed when he heard this, he frivolously lifted Abi's chin, his evil smile deepened: "Small mouth is so sweet!"

"Slaves, to be honest, the city lord is the best and most outstanding man in the world. What is Chu Mubai? He is just an ordinary man, how can he be compared with the son?" Abi added hastily.

Lou Jinghong loosened his grip on Abi.

He looked at the South Court thoughtfully: "But in Han Shushu's heart, Chu Mubai is the best man."

"That's because she has poor eyesight—"

Just as Abi opened her mouth, she received a murderous look from Lou Jinghong.

She immediately shut up, not daring to continue.

She could tell that Lou Jinghong liked Han Shushu more and more.Before, he didn't care about anyone, but after meeting Han Shushu a few times now, Lou Jinghong was already fascinated by that woman Han Shushu.

"Since Qin Ruyu wants to get Chu Mubai's body, why don't we help her and send Chu Mubai to Qin Ruyu's couch." The coldness and evil in Lou Jinghong's eyes were even worse.

At that time, when Chu Mubai met other women, let's see if Han Shushu still thinks that Chu Mubai is the best man in the world.

Now he felt that the woman Qin Ruyu had the same goal as him.

Qin Ruyu wanted to break up Han Shushu and Chu Mubai, and he thought the same way.

Abi was stunned for a while when she heard this, and quickly persuaded: "Master, you must not force it. This way, the city lord will easily reveal his whereabouts. If Chu Mubai really finds out the city lord, the consequences will be disastrous..."

"I am still afraid that Chu Mubai will fail? Over the years, I have been looking for an opportunity to compete with him, but I have never had such an opportunity. I want to see whether it is his martial arts that is better, or this seat Slightly better!"

Lou Jinghong's long and narrow phoenix eyes flashed a touch of coldness.

He was not used to seeing Chu Mubai since he was a child.How could Chu Mubai be appreciated by the old city lord and teach martial arts in person.

But he has to struggle to survive day and night in the cave of life and death.

In the end, he was able to survive because of his hands stained with the blood of countless believers. He killed countless people, and finally became the owner of Xuantian City.

Chu Mubai is the most powerful enemy in his life.

He has always hoped that one day he can fight Chu Mubai and tell Chu Mubai that he is the strongest in the world!
Abi muttered: "But this is not Xuantian City, this is Chu Mubai's palace. He personally trained a group of dead men, and those dead men should not be underestimated..."

Under Lou Jinghong's stare, Abi had no choice but to shut up.

Lou Jinghong had already made up her mind, nothing she said was useless.

But at this moment, we can only act carefully and keep a low profile as much as possible, so as not to let Chu Mubai find out that they entered the palace...

(End of this chapter)

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