Chapter 1300 Want to get him (6)

On the way to the Imperial Hospital, Han Shushu was relieved that he didn't hear any gossip about the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

But because of this, Chu Mubai must hate her very much.

After all, as the current emperor, speaking is an imperial decree.In the end, he didn't find other women to sleep with, which was tantamount to self-defense.

A proud man like Chu Mubai would definitely not be able to swallow this bad breath.

"Master Han, your prescription is wrong." Doctor Hu's voice awakened Han Shushu's drifting thoughts.

Only then did Han Shushu realize that he was distracted during the process of mixing the medicine, and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Sorry, I'll redeploy it again." Han Shushu knew he was wrong.

Doctor Hu simply handed her some other medicines: "These are all wrong too. Forget it, you should rest first, and then do things after recovering your energy."

Han Shushu didn't dare to object, so he gave up his seat and left the pharmacy.

I really want to see Chu Mubai.But if she had the cheek to go to him, would she be scolded by him?
Whatever it is, she didn't have a face-to-face meeting with Xiao Yuanbao yesterday, and today she is going to see her son, and take a look at Chu Mubai on the way, that's all.

With a plan in mind, Han Shushu left the Tai Hospital excitedly.

Unexpectedly, when she came out, she saw Xiao Louzi waiting outside.

The moment he saw her, Xiao Louzi bent his noble waist...

Thinking of this, Han Shushu couldn't help laughing out loud.

She really had such an idea.I always feel that when Xiao Louzi bends down, it is especially difficult for him.

Lou Jinghong looked at Han Shushu who was trembling with laughter, not understanding what happened.

Was she so happy to see him?
This thought flashed, and he somehow wanted to laugh too, so he grinned the corners of his lips.

Han Shushu saw the smile on Lou Jinghong's face, as if she had discovered a new world, she smiled and said: "Little Louzi, you have to smile more. What a beautiful smile, what are you doing with a coffin face all day long?" ? Love comes from the heart, do you know?"

Lou Jinghong's smile quickly subsided, he remembered the business, took a step back and said: "The young master is not feeling well, the girl is here!"

"What's wrong with Pan Cairen?" Han Shushu's heart shuddered, and there must be no sequelae after taking the contraceptive pill.

"Little Louzi, I don't know what's going on, the girl will find out after going to see it." Lou Jinghong took a step back to get out of the way.

Even if Pan Cairen is fine, he still has to do something wrong, at worst, give her some medicine to make Pan Cairen sick.

That woman is very easy to control, she obediently obeys what he says.

Han Shushu didn't doubt it, and followed Lou Jinghong to Chuxiu Palace.

Just after entering Chuxiu Palace, she met Zhang Cairen.

"Good luck, little master!" Han Shushu saluted Zhang Cairen.

"Master Han, you don't need to be too polite. You can just call me Min'er from now on. Master Han, this is..." Zhang Cairen glanced at Lou Jinghong who was standing aside, and felt that the eunuch looked unfamiliar.

"Pan Cairen is not feeling well. I'll go see a doctor for her. We'll talk when I have time." Han Shushu said with a smile.

Zhang Cairen nodded, watching Han Shushu and Lou Jinghong walk away.

The eunuch just now looked very imposing, is it Pan Cairen's eunuch?

She remembered that the eunuch who served Pan Cairen was not this...

Just when Zhang Cairen was in a daze, Lou Jinghong turned his head to look at Zhang Cairen, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

If Zhang Cairen is an eyesore, Zhang Cairen must be removed.

It's just that Han Shushu and Zhang Cairen seem to be close friends, and he will not kill Zhang Cairen unless it is necessary.But if Zhang Cairen is not knowledgeable, he can only kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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