Chapter 1307 Lovesickness (5)

Pan Cairen was afraid that the walls have ears, so he deliberately lowered his voice and said to Han Shushu.

"He is really addicted to fighting, I'll go and see!" Han Shushu said and took Pan Cairen to Chuxiu Palace.

As soon as she entered the other garden, she smelled a strong smell of blood.

Seeing that Xiao Louzi's cuffs were completely soaked in blood, Han Shushu tightened his eyebrows, and said coldly, "Will you not apply medicine yourself when you are injured? I remember leaving wound medicine!"

Seeing Xiao Louzi injured like this, Han Shushu couldn't say anything good.

"The little master has a noble status, how can I let the little master apply the medicine for the servant?" Lou Jinghong looked at his injured arms and replied with an innocent face.

Han Shushu was speechless immediately: "You mean that my status is not expensive? Anyway, I am also an eighth-rank female doctor, why should I condescend to help you prescribe medicine?"

Why does Xiao Louzi owe so much when he speaks?

Lou Jinghong curled his lips and sneered: "It's fine if the girl doesn't want to help the servant with medicine, but the servant knows that he is lowly and unworthy—"

"Will you die if you say a nice word? No wonder you are beaten up like this. Which eunuch beat you, I will go to him to settle the score." Han Shushu said while helping Lou Jinghong with medicine.

This time there was one more wound than in the morning, and both hands were injured like this, what else could I do?

Sometimes she even suspected that Xiao Louzi was injured on purpose.

However, Xiao Louzi didn't have a problem with his brain. He hurt himself so badly for no reason. Isn't that a disease?
"The little mouse was hurt more than the slave." Lou Jinghong said, smiling maliciously: "The slave almost beat him!"

Han Shushu stopped spraying the medicine, and suddenly felt that the little eunuch in front of him was really bad.

She must go and see that little mouse to see if it was really hurt that badly.

"Girl, the slave is injured and still wants to take a bath. If the girl is free, can you scrub the slave's body?" Lou Jinghong looked at Han Shushu, looking at her eagerly, pleading.

Han Shushu sneered: "I'm an eighth-rank female doctor, and I'm not your slave. Why should I scrub your body for you?!" Han Shushu sneered and curled his lips.

This dead eunuch is getting bigger and bigger.She is a female doctor and a palace servant who serves him, how dare he say such a thing?
Lou Jinghong lowered his brows when he heard these words: "That's right, the status of the servant is low, and I thought the girl would like to be friends with a person like the servant. No wonder everyone doesn't like the servant, it makes sense..."

Han Shushu looked at Lou Jinghong's drooping eyebrows and thought to himself that this dead eunuch was somewhat self-aware.

Of course she didn't dislike him, it's just that Xiao Louzi is still a man even if he is castrated, how can she help a man scrub his body?This cannot be justified.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful to me, I'll help you find a palace servant to come and serve you."

"No!" Lou Jinghong replied loudly.

Han Shushu narrowed her beautiful eyes dangerously: "What do you mean? Do you want me to serve you instead of a maid? Don't tell me that you like me! I know that I am very feminine, but I am very attractive to a woman. The eunuch is not interested!"

It's not that she is narcissistic, she seems to have a good relationship with men.

It wouldn't be surprising if Xiao Louzi really liked her.

"Who would like a girl with such a temperament? Forget it, the girl doesn't want to help the servant, and the servant washes it by himself. I was sweating from the fight just now, and I feel uncomfortable." Lou Jinghong simply pushed Han Shushu away, and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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