Chapter 1308 Lovesickness (6)

Before Han Shushu bandaged Xiao Louzi's wound, she hurriedly chased after him and said, "Little Louzi, come back to me!"

Lou Jinghong naturally ignored Han Shushu, he turned his back to Han Shushu with a wicked smile.This woman Han Shushu is too naive and benevolent, so he doesn't believe that she can't be fooled.

He took a pair of scissors, cut off the clothes on his upper body, and wanted to fetch water, when Han Shushu chased him.

Seeing this, she snatched the tub and said, "Forget it, I'm afraid of you, so I'll fetch water."

"Wouldn't it be wrong for a noble person like a girl to serve a small person like a slave?" Lou Jinghong sneered behind Han Shushu's back.

Han Shushu tightened his grip on the wooden basin, really wanting to throw the wooden basin in the dead eunuch's face.

The eunuch was the most ungrateful person she had ever met.

If she didn't look at him pitifully, she wouldn't bother to pay attention to him.

From the day she met Xiao Louzi, seeing the dense wounds on his body, she thought of Chu Mubai.

Perhaps because of empathy, she always felt that Xiao Louzi was very pitiful.

Perhaps it is precisely because of Xiao Louzi's childhood experience that he has such an unpleasant temperament now?
Finding a bunch of reasons for himself to forgive Xiao Louzi, Han Shushu filled a small basin of cold water and some hot water before bringing it into the house.

Xiao Louzi was standing in the house, his upper body was naked, and the wounded parts of his arms were still bleeding.

She came closer and found that Xiao Louzi had a good figure.But what attracted her was not these, but the various wounds on Xiao Louzi's chest.

She gasped, and walked around behind Xiao Louzi again, and when she saw that his back was also densely packed with wounds, she tightened her eyebrows.

What did Xiao Louzi go through before?Not a single piece of skin on his body was intact, how much tenacious willpower would it take to survive such an injury?

Lou Jinghong saw that Han Shushu had been looking at the wound on his body, and asked in a cold voice, "Does the girl also think that the servant's body is ugly?"

Han Shushu didn't make a sound, not knowing how to answer.

Lou Jinghong was about to ridicule Han Shushu, but saw her eyes were red.

This made him startled: "Why, the girl is pitying the servant?"

Only then did Han Shushu realize that he had lost his composure.She shook her head quickly, "You don't need anyone to pity you."

If such a person can survive, he naturally has his own rules of survival.

Seeing such a little Louzi, she felt that she was already very happy.

Some people are always struggling to survive in pain, but she can meet a man she loves, bear children for him, and live under the same sky with him, how lucky is she?
She wiped Xiao Louzi's body earnestly, without any distracting thoughts.

Lou Jinghong didn't want such an effect.

He wanted to see this woman blushing and her heart beating in front of him, but she pursed her small mouth with a serious expression as if she was cleaning the floor.

Just because of the injuries on his body, can she not see that he actually has a man's body?
Did he have to take off his pants and see his lower body, so that she could show a bit of a little girl's attitude?
Lou Jinghong felt uncomfortable until Han Shushu quickly wiped his body and then helped him treat the wound on his arm.

"Okay, be honest today and stay in Chuxiu Palace, don't go out and cause trouble, I'll meet your good comrade-in-arms, little mouse."

As Han Shushu said, he went to the closet, helped Xiao Louzi find a set of clothes, and asked, "Can your hands wear clothes? Do you want me to help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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