Chapter 1316 Trial One Night (7)

"Wanxin?" Han Shushu changed his name.

As a result, Wanxin didn't show up either.

Both of them were absent, they left their masters and ran away like this?

Those two couldn't be trying to match her and Chu Mubai, right?
Or did they think she was so wretched that they would take the opportunity to eat up the drunk Chu Mubai?

Han Shushu was very tangled.

She hasn't taken a bath yet, and her body is full of the smell of wine from Chu Mubai.

He should have taken a bath in another place, but he was worried about throwing the drunk Chu Mubai aside.

After all, he is the emperor with a noble status. If someone wants to kill him, now is the best chance.

She dozed off for a while, but still couldn't bear the pungent smell of alcohol on her body.

In the end, she moved the bathtub and poured a bucket full of hot water.

After making sure that Chu Mubai was still sleeping, she hid behind the screen and took a bath.

She didn't know that Chu Mubai hadn't fallen asleep.

Especially knowing that she was taking a bath in the house, his heart was disturbed.

This strange emotion made him uncomfortable.

He has never been keen on sexual affairs between men and women. Apart from knowing that Han Shushu gave birth to a little ingot for him, he knows that he has no other women.

But now that he knew that the woman was taking a bath not far away, he still remembered seeing her icy bones, and all the desires surged up like this, expressing strongly and intuitively in a certain part of his body.

He suddenly wanted her body very much...

When Chu Mubai realized it, he was already standing behind the tub.

Across the dim light, the woman's alluring body is as beautiful as a witch's, her delicate and smooth jade muscles are a little whiter than snow, and her slightly raised breasts are beautiful and seductive. on the red lips of honey.

Han Shushu was dumbfounded when he saw Chu Mubai suddenly standing in front of him.

She hurriedly hid in the bathtub, her beautiful eyes widening: "You, why are you awake?"

Chu Mubai's eyes are clear, and he is not as drunk as before. Is he sober, or is he not drunk at all?
Chu Mubai didn't speak, took a step forward, forcibly pulled Han Shushu's arms around his chest away, and looked directly at the scenery in front of her chest.

Han Shushu was ashamed and embarrassed, unable to break free from Chu Mubai's control, and could only be seen by him for nothing like this, so anxious that she yelled: "What are you looking at, you bastard, let me go!!"

Chu Mubai looked at it carefully and carefully for a while, and then said: "It looks good."

Han Shushu was once again taken aback.

People think her body is good-looking, should she thank him for his praise?
"Aiqing, tonight you sleep in..."

Chu Mubai simply hugged Han Shushu's naked body in his arms and gave the order directly.

He wanted her, and he wanted her now!

"No, I won't sleep with you, you bastard, rascal, let me go..." Chu Mubai simply blocked her small mouth, wrapped her slippery tongue around her, and chased and played.

After a kiss, he looked at her who was out of breath with burning eyes: "I know you want me too, try it out for one night first..."

"You bastard, what is a one-night trial? Is it possible to return the product after the trial and find it doesn't work?" Han Shushu struggled furiously in Chu Mubai's arms until he threw him on the couch.

She quickly wrapped the quilt around her body, and hid in the innermost side of the bed: "You, don't come here, I won't sleep with you!"

Chu Mubai sat gracefully on the edge of the bed, and asked in a low voice: "You make a condition, what do you want to be willing to sleep with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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