Chapter 1317 Trial One Night (8)

Chu Mubai disdained to force women, but seeing Han Shushu's resistance, he should have complied with her.

At the same time, he wanted her body very much.

That being the case, the only way to reach a consensus is to find a way.

Han Shushu hurriedly shook his head: "You are the emperor, you are still a wise king. If you force me, you are robbing the daughters of the people, and you are a foolish king! I don't want anything, as long as you don't let me sleep in bed."

She moved cautiously to the side of the bed, and Chu Mubai looked at her with a half-smile, as if she would not stop her.

Han Shushu didn't dare to be careless at all, she moved to the edge of the bed and was about to lie down, when Chu Mubai stretched out his long legs to block her way, and said slowly, "Conditions."

"There is no condition, I will not wait on the bed." Han Shushu replied stubbornly.

What kind of medicine did Chu Mubai take wrongly, and she actually pretended to be drunk, which made her believe it was true.

Then remembering that she had slighted him once while he was "drunk", her face was on fire.

It's really embarrassing. She hoped that Chu Mubai could completely forget the scene where she belittled him.

"Han Aiqing, you are relying on me to favor you, so you are less and less serious about what I say?" Chu Mubai still had a wimpy smile on her lips, and looked at Han Shushu.

This woman obviously didn't take him as the emperor seriously.

Did he think that saying he wanted her was just empty talk?

"The emperor is a wise king, and he will never force others to make things difficult for him." Han Shushu said, rushing off the couch recklessly.

The next moment, someone stepped on a corner of the quilt with such force that the quilt was instantly shattered.

The quilt on her body was completely destroyed by Chu Mubai.

She covered the top but couldn't cover it, she was ashamed, anxious and embarrassed.

Chu Mubai stood lazily in front of the couch, as if enjoying seeing her embarrassment.

This dead man is too bad!
"Han Aiqing is so good-looking. This body suits me." Chu Mubai did not hesitate to praise Han Shushu's body.

This girl is petite, her facial features are also small and exquisite, and her breasts are not as magnificent as other women, but he just likes it, and it fits his eyes.

What he liked the most was that seeing her body made him realize that he was a normal man who also had desires and impulses.

Han Shushu ignored Chu Mubai's ridicule, she used lightness kung fu to go behind the screen, but Chu Mubai was faster than her, she threw herself into his arms, and was hugged tightly by him .

He opened his arms, then hugged her naked body horizontally, looked down at her with tenderness: "Have you had enough trouble? My patience is limited."

"Why is your majesty doing this? I'm not making a fuss, it's because I really don't want to go to bed... ah..."

Han Shushu was thrown onto the bed again.

Then Chu Mubai pressed up, looked down at her, and asked hoarsely, "Why don't you want to? You like me too, I know."

His body screamed in pain, but he was still asking her this stupid question.

If it were any other woman, he would have already started eating, so why waste any more time?
Han Shushu's eyes became hot, so he turned his head away.

"If this minister is telling the truth, the emperor is not allowed to take his head." She didn't dare to look at Chu Mubai.

The tenderness in Chu Mubai's eyes gradually dissipated, and he knew that this woman couldn't speak nice words.

"My minister actually likes someone else, and I don't like the emperor." Han Shushu mustered up his courage to say it, not daring to look at Chu Mubai at all.

(End of this chapter)

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