Chapter 1318 Serving the Sleeper (2)

Amidst Chu Mubai's threatening voice, there was another intense entanglement.

An hour later, Chu Mubai let Han Shushu go.

Han Shushu glanced at Chu Mubai in surprise.

In the past, every time he had sex, he would torment her for most of the night, but now he has restrained himself a lot.

To actually let her go like this, this person has made great progress.

She cheered up and said to the man who hugged her tightly: "It's getting late, should the emperor go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to rest?"

He wants her to serve him at bedtime, but she has finished serving her, should he go?
It is not very good for people to know that he stayed overnight in the south courtyard.

"Are you sure you want me to return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation?" Chu Mubai asked in a deep voice, hugging the limp woman's body in his arms.

Why doesn't this stupid woman know how to seize the opportunity?
She just went to bed, and happened to ask him for a reward or a title.She was fine, she couldn't wait to drive him away, how could there be such a stupid woman?
No wonder it's been five years since Yuan Bao was born, and he hasn't gotten any benefits from him.

"Hurry back, Your Majesty." Han Shushu hurriedly struggled out of his embrace.

Chu Mubai was at a loss for words again.

I have to say, this is the stupidest woman he has ever seen.

With a gloomy face, he turned around and sat down on the bed, pulled up the skirt of his clothes, and went out of the fasting without looking back.

Chu Yun waited outside early, when he saw Chu Mubai coming out, he greeted him happily: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for getting what you want!"

It's time for Longyan to be happy this time, right?

Who knew that it was just the opposite, Chu Mubai's face was very gloomy, his handsome face was dead tight, and there was a cold aura in his eyes, which made his whole body cold and cold.

Could it be that Han Shushu didn't sleep well?

But just now he heard it clearly outside, Chu Mubai seemed to be enjoying it, why is he not happy after the incident?

"Is it because the girl is not serving the bed well enough?" Chu Yun asked in a low voice.

Chu Mubai gave him a cold look, paused in his footsteps, and looked back in the direction of Shu Zhai.

He was still in his arms just now, but now his arms are empty, making him feel that his heart is also empty.

If he had known this earlier, he shouldn't have let her go too early.

If he didn't sympathize with her for the first time, why would he bear it so much? !

In the end, she will be kicked out of the South Courtyard by her, this dead woman...

"Ask me to get up early tomorrow, and I will make soup for her, and you will bring it over then." After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he walked away with a gloomy expression.

Chu Yun broke into a sweat.

It seems that he was dissatisfied with his desires and was kicked out by Han Shushu.

Han Shushu is also true, if he has such an opportunity to sleep with him, why not simply tie Chu Mubai tightly?

After Chu Mubai walked out of the south courtyard, he slowed down.

Thinking of Han Shushu staying alone in the south courtyard, he was always worried.

"Let Xiaocao take Yuanbao and live in the South Courtyard later, and stay with her. By the way, transfer Qingxin to take care of her." After Chu Mubai explained, he reluctantly left the South Courtyard.

After returning to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Chu Mubai couldn't sleep anyway.

His body was still tense.

I thought getting her body would be a repayment of my heart, but I didn't know that love affairs between men and women are easy to make people addicted.

No wonder some people say that female sex is wrong, but according to him, it is the same.

Even a man with self-control like him can't control his body, let alone those men who don't have self-control?
Chu Yun was waiting outside, seeing Chu Mubai getting up, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Why did the emperor get up?"

"Has Han Shushu slept with other men besides me?" Chu Mubai asked in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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