Chapter 1319 Serving the Sleeper (3)

As soon as Chu Mubai closed his eyes, it was the scene of Nangong kissing Han Shushu in the Royal Garden that day, which made him restless.

It's hard to imagine if Han Shushu had other men besides him, and was crushed by other men, tossing and turning...

"D-of course not! The girl has been the emperor's woman from the beginning to the end. This is a fact that everyone knows." Chu Yun replied firmly.

"Are you sure?" Chu Mubai looked at Chu Yun coldly.

He didn't believe that woman Han Shushu at all.

"Of course I'm sure. All the servants who serve the emperor are sure about this." Chu Yun barely raised his hands to swear.

Only then did Chu Mubai nod in satisfaction, and turned back to the dragon couch.

Thinking of himself having to sleep alone until dawn, he felt sad...

After Chu Mubai left, Han Shushu heard that Xiaocao was living in the South Courtyard with Yuanbao. He didn't know how happy he was.

She never thought that she could bring Yuanbao with her once she went to bed, such a good thing, she didn't even dare to think about it before.

"Okay, Yuan Bao will live here from now on, you have the opportunity to accompany him every day, you are tired tonight, go to bed early, tomorrow you have to go to the imperial hospital to be on duty." Xiaocao saw Han Shushu hugging Xiaocao Yuan Bao was not willing to let go, and persuaded softly.

Han Shushu kissed the little guy's sleeping face again, and then turned back to Shuzhai to lie down.

Because of being tormented by Chu Mubai, she was sore all over.Coupled with the fact that she didn't sleep all night last night, she was already extremely sleepy.

After lying down on the couch, she fell asleep immediately.

After she fell asleep, someone quietly entered her bedroom, and it was Lou Jinghong.

He has been guarding near the South Courtyard, watching Chu Mubai stay in the South Courtyard for more than an hour before leaving the South Courtyard.

Afterwards, Xiaocao and Yuanbao also moved into the South Courtyard, and he knew that Han Shushu was probably serving as a servant.

Just with a little hope.

When he lifted her collar and saw the ambiguous marks on her body, a fire was burning in his heart.

If she continues to stay in the palace, she will only continue to be entangled with Chu Mubai.

But if he takes her back to Xuantian City, will she never want to talk to him again?
It was the first time in his life that he wanted someone so much, but this person didn't belong to him, which made him a little confused.

In the past, when he wanted a woman, he directly broke the other's body, and then threw it away without mercy when it was used up.Only Han Shushu, he didn't know how to deal with it.

You can't stay if you want to stay, you can't keep it if you want to keep it, and you can't bear to give up if you want to.

It was the first time someone treated him sincerely, but there was someone in his heart.

Two quarters of an hour later, Lou Jinghong left the South Courtyard.

Abi just appeared, when Lou Jinghong suddenly slapped her hard.

Abi's face was swollen out of shape, she knelt down on the ground, not daring to look at Lou Jinghong.

"From now on, we have to find a way to prevent her from sleeping in bed!" After Lou Jinghong ordered coldly, he left without looking back.

Abi struggled to get up from the ground, staring at Lou Jinghong's back absently.

The current emperor wants to call a woman to serve him, what can she do?This is another heavily guarded palace, and today they are only sleeping in the south courtyard, and they have no way to stop Han Shushu from sleeping.

If Chu Mubai preaches the order to Han Shushu in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, it will be even more difficult to get close.

Lou Jinghong said it lightly, stop it, how can she stop it?

If he really liked Han Shushu so much, why didn't he simply bring Han Shushu back to Xuantian City?

It's ridiculous to pretend to be a humble little eunuch to get close to Han Shushu!
(End of this chapter)

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