Chapter 1320 Serving the Sleeper (4)

The majestic Xuantian City Lord wanted a woman, but he had to go around so many times. Why didn't he just snatch Han Shushu's body like before?

At this moment, Abi hated Han Shushu very much.

Han Shushu got everything she wanted without any effort.

She had stayed by Lou Jinghong's side for many years, watching the women around him come and go, she knew that those women were nothing to be afraid of, and never took those women to heart.

Even if she knew that Lou Jinghong wanted Han Shushu five years ago, she also knew that it was only because Han Shushu could break the curse of Xuantian City, and it was because Lou Jinghong wanted to survive that he had to approach Han Shushu.

Unexpectedly, when he came to Han Shushu's side, Lou Jinghong was really fascinated by that woman Han Shushu.

Why doesn't this make her hate it?
She wished she could kill Han Shushu so that there would be no future troubles.

It's just that Han Shushu can't die. Han Shushu was able to save Chu Mubai back then, and he must be able to save Lou Jinghong. That woman is the one who broke the poisonous curse of Xuantian City. She can't be killed, she can't be killed!

After Lou Jinghong left the south courtyard, he hurried out of the palace.

He was full of jealousy and couldn't vent it, so he finally went to a flower building, and after seeing a room full of Yingyingyan, he decided to kill all the women he thought were promiscuous.

There were dozens of people in the flower building, who were bloodbathed overnight, which caused a great commotion the next day...

Han Shushu slept until dawn. After she got up to wash, she saw Chu Yun waiting outside with a large bowl of stewed soup in her hand.

"The emperor said that the girl served the bed last night for her meritorious service. This is a reward from the emperor." Chu Yun stepped forward and handed the stew to Han Shushu.

Han Shushu took a sip, then frowned: "Is this the soup made by the emperor himself?"

The man was going to court in the morning and made soup for her, so how early did he have to get up?
"The emperor just got up early, so he did it himself. You don't have to worry about it. This is all the emperor's heart for the girl. The emperor also said that once the girl goes to bed, she will get a bowl of stewed soup. Only girls are so easy to spend... ..."

Han Shushu, who was drinking soup, choked heavily when he heard this.

That dead head, who got cheap and acted like a good boy, actually embarrassed her, how could there be such an unpleasant man?

But knowing that it was Chu Mubai's stewed soup, she drank all the stewed soup in two or three sips, feeling refreshed and life is very beautiful.

She went to talk to Yuan Bao for a while.

Yuan Bao took her by the hand and sent her out of the south courtyard, and the little guy pointed at his face awkwardly: "Mother, did you forget something?"

Han Shushu glared at the little guy, laughing again and again.

She kissed the little guy's tender face: "I haven't forgotten. If you want to kiss in the future, just say so. Why are you so hypocritical?"

When the little guy heard her words, he punched her, and then returned to Xiaocao with a whimper.

Han Shushu was in a very good mood. She walked briskly and wanted to go to the Imperial Hospital. Later, she remembered that she had never seen the little mouse that often fought with Xiao Louzi, so she asked someone to find out where the little mouse was.

As a result, he was only halfway there when he saw two eunuchs fighting together, wasn't one of them Xiao Louzi?
She rushed forward and shouted at the two wrestling with each other: "Stop!"

The little mouse and the little Louzi looked at Han Shushu at the same time, and Han Shushu stepped forward to pull up the little Louzi who was pressing on the little mouse.

Xiao Louzi was wounded all over again, the wound that was bandaged yesterday was bleeding.

(End of this chapter)

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