Chapter 1330 A Leg Lift (6)

Han Shushu always wanted to save face. Seeing that Chu Mubai didn't believe her, she hurriedly added: "Don't believe me, even King Xiaoyao said that eating the noodles I made is the happiest. I used to give it to him every year on his birthday. When he ordered a bowl of Changshou noodles, he smiled happily when he ate it..."

No wonder, Nangong is the darling of Nan's family, every year he holds a grand birthday party on his birthday, he is busy eating his delicious food, and the noodles she makes often go into the trash can.

Later, when they were all adults, Nangong had no time to eat the noodles she made.

Things that were very hurt in the past now feel like a dream when I think about it again.

Sometimes she would also think, if Nangong could find out that he had feelings for her earlier, would they not have come to this world?

In the end, will she be able to fulfill her childhood dream and become the woman of his young master Nangong?
Han Shushu thought wildly for a while, and then found that Chu Mubai who was standing behind him just now had disappeared.

She was busy scooping up noodles and looking for people everywhere.

But after searching the entire Hall of Mental Cultivation, there was no trace of Chu Mubai.

She looked at the battered noodles as if lost, and sighed unconsciously.

It turned out that only Xiao Yuanbao was willing to join her in making noodles.In the future, she should make it for Yuanbao to eat, otherwise it would be a waste?

In the end, Han Shushu turned the noodles upside down and walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation in a dispirited mood.

Back to the south courtyard, Yuanbao and Xiaocao were waiting at the door from a distance.

The moment he saw her, Xiao Yuanbao wanted to run over excitedly.

Then he seemed to think of something, and the pretty little guy took up the airs of the little prince again, walked up to her with graceful steps, held her hand and said, "Mother, come back soon, I'm hungry." .”

Han Shushu narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, and held Xiao Yuanbao's hand tightly: "Okay, I will definitely go home on time from now on, let's go eat."

Xiao Yuanbao was full of joy, although someone told him that those who do great things should not show their emotions, but he just liked Han Shushu, and he was happy when he saw Han Shushu, so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

After going to the dining room, Xiao Yuanbao was really hungry and ate a lot.

After he was full, the little guy said with disgust: "The dishes made by my sister are not delicious at all, but the noodles made by my mother are the most delicious."

The little guy's words pleased Han Shushu.

This is a human saying.No one praised her, only her son was the most caring, filial, and honest.

"Eat three bowls of rice if it's not delicious, Xiao Yuanbao, haven't you noticed that you have grown fleshy lately?!" Xiaocao answered dissatisfiedly from the side.

"Mother said this is a blessing, and being able to eat it is a blessing. In addition, this is a meal that my sister worked so hard to make. Even if it is not delicious, I can't be too obvious. Mother said, right?" The little guy said happily to Han Shu Shu rubbed against her, and said pitifully, "I haven't slept with mother for a long time, can I sleep with mother tonight?"

"Of course." Han Shushu agreed happily.

She was afraid that the child would dislike her.

Xiaocao looked at Han Shushu's mother and son hugging each other speechlessly.

Isn't it just sleeping together at night, do you need to laugh like this?
However, Han Shushu's face was a little gloomy before, but as soon as Xiao Yuanbao appeared, Han Shushu became cheerful, and this is the most important thing.

After bathing Yuan Bao, Han Shushu finished bathing himself, and the two mother and son lay down together.

Han Shushu told Yuan Bao a bedtime story according to the previous practice.

(End of this chapter)

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