Chapter 1331 A Leg Lift (7)

Yuan Bao lay on Han Shushu's body, and said to her solemnly: "Mother, I have grown up, let me tell mother a bedtime story."

Han Shushu laughed when she heard this, and she nodded cooperatively: "Okay, my son will tell me a story to lull me to sleep."

"Mother Pig has three children, one is called Little Black Pig, one is called Little White Pig, and the other is Little Flower Pig. One day..."

Han Shushu listened quietly, watching Xiao Yuanbao tell the story seriously, and found that the child was telling her a bedtime story very seriously.This guy even learned her storytelling tone perfectly. This is a blessing she has cultivated in several lifetimes. How can she have such a caring and filial son?
Sometimes she also wondered if the first child survived, would there be no ingots...

Seeing Xiao Yuanbao talking all the time, Han Shushu felt sorry for the little guy's thoughtfulness.

She simply closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep, and Xiao Yuanbao talked for a while, seeing that she didn't open her eyes again, the little guy came closer to her face and kissed her: "Mom, I love you!" you……"

Han Shushu resisted the urge to bend his lips until the little guy slipped into her arms and fell asleep, and then opened his eyes.

Such a well-behaved and lovely child was born by her.

"Son, mother loves you too..." She pressed a kiss on the little guy's head, feeling very peaceful, and slowly fell asleep.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Chu Yun didn't know that Chu Mubai was in a bad mood because of Han Shushu's words. When he was punished by Chu Mubai to kneel, he still didn't understand what he did wrong.

Not long after, because Wanxin was walking too loudly, Chu Mubai glanced over with a cold look, and Wanxin fell to her knees in fright.

Chu Yun and Wanxin looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what happened to their master.

Chu Yun only felt aggrieved.

He just ordered someone to clean up the noodles thrown in the garbage. Chu Mubai's face turned black in an instant, and he was punished to kneel until dawn.

Wanxin knelt down by herself, she is also a stupid girl.

After kneeling down, Wanxin was actually very upset.

She was frightened by Chu Mubai's sharp look just now, and she knelt down as soon as her legs gave way. Now she regrets it, can she get up?
"You two, kneel outside, don't get up without my order." Chu Mubai glanced at the two obtrusive people, and ordered in a cold voice.

Wanxin and Chu Yun hurriedly got up and looked at Chu Mubai who was sitting in front of the desk.

I saw his demeanor was cold, his expression was serious, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and he could tell that he was in a bad mood.

Both of them had the same question in their eyes.

What happened to my master?Wasn't Han Shushu very happy after attending bedtime yesterday?At least he got Han Shushu's body, and he should be happy for a few days.

Now looking at Chu Mubai's expression, he knew that he was not just unhappy, but in an extremely bad mood.

Could it be that Han Shushu caused some trouble again, which made Chu Mubai change his face.

That night, Chu Yun and Wan Xin knelt down all night.

I thought I would be relieved at dawn, but Chu Mubai passed by them without looking at them, so he went to court.

"What should I do?" Wan Xin looked at Chu Yun and asked.

Kneeling like this would make her legs crippled, she couldn't take it anymore, it was so uncomfortable.

"Order someone to find the girl. Only the girl can save us!" Chu Yun made a decisive decision.

Usually only Han Shushu's words can make Chu Mubai listen.

And it happened to be that woman who made Chu Mubai angry.

In the end, An Xin became the one who ran the errands.

(End of this chapter)

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