The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1350 Terrible Beams: Punish Vicious Women

Chapter 1350 Terrible Beams: Punish Vicious Women (2)

Han Shushu followed Qin Ruyu's obsessive gaze, wasn't he looking at Chu Mubai?
The guy surnamed Chu has a face that is disastrous to the country and the people, which attracts so many women to rob her.

Qin Ruyu is a woman who has always been self-controlled. She has never been an idiot, even Nangong back then never let Qin Ruyu lose her composure like this.

The so-called sex is not attractive and people are self-confident, but it is not referring to the scene in front of them.

She withdrew her hand without a trace, turned her head and said to Chu Mubai: "The imperial concubine is indeed seriously ill after being diagnosed by the minister. Along with the medicine, an injection is necessary. Do you want to avoid it, Your Majesty?"

Chu Mubai's gaze has been glued to Han Shushu's bright and flowery little face. Upon hearing this, he came back to his senses and sat down gracefully: "It's okay, I'll stay here with the noble concubine."

Qin Ruyu squinted and smiled when she heard this, and looked at Han Shushu proudly.

Although Han Shushu was angry in his heart, he couldn't show it on his face.

Qin Ruyu is very proud, isn't she, she will make this woman laugh for a while!
"The emperor is really caring to the concubine." Han Shushu looked at Chu Mubai with a half smile.

Chu Mubai just glanced at Han Shushu lightly, without answering.

As soon as this woman entered the Yincui Palace today, she felt eccentric, thinking that she was stimulated by something, or someone who didn't have good eyesight made her unhappy.

"Sometimes when a minister gives a needle, it will be different from others. Are you sure you want to see it?" Han Shushu bent his lips and smiled, and his white teeth flashed into Chu Mubai's eyes.

Chu Mubai raised his eyebrows lightly.

Can acupuncture be different?Then he has to see what happened.

"The imperial concubine has to be patient later." Han Shushu looked at Qin Ruyu again and said.

Qin Ruyu's thoughts were not on Han Shushu at all, she responded insincerely, and then glanced at Chu Mubai's face that bewitched her mind.

It wasn't until severe pain came from her Guhe and Quchi acupoints that Qin Ruyu broke free from Chu Mubai's beauty.

"Han Shushu, what are you doing?!" Qin Ruyu forgot that Chu Mubai was there, and yelled at Han Shushu angrily.

Han Shushu had an innocent face, and smiled like a flower: "The noble concubine is very ill, of course it is to treat her with acupuncture! Didn't I just say that the noble concubine has to bear it..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she struck again, this time, she pierced dozens of acupuncture points on Qin Ruyu's painful points.

Qin Ruyu was in terrible pain this time, and the next moment, her head tilted and she passed out completely.

Han Shushu took a closer look, patted Qin Ruyu's face lightly, shook his head and sighed: "It seems that he is really very sick!"

Chu Mubai watched it clearly from the side, and was immediately dumbfounded.

Although he doesn't know much about medicine, the acupoints that Han Shushu just injected are all the most important pain acupoints in the human body.If it goes on like this, it's no wonder that a weak woman like Qin Ruyu won't faint from the pain.

Han Shushu looked back at Chu Mubai with a frozen expression, and asked cheerfully: "The emperor may feel unwell, do you need a few injections for the emperor?"

Only then did Chu Mubai regain his composure.

Suddenly remembered a saying: The most poisonous woman's heart.

This girl looks innocent and pleasant, but the strength of the needle is very scary.

Fortunately, last time he pretended to be sick in front of her.It was a blessing in misfortune that she didn't give such injections to herself at that time.

Thinking about it, this woman treats me differently.

Not knowing whether he was comforting himself or sympathizing with Qin Ruyu who was brutally abused, Chu Mubai coughed lightly and said, "I'm not feeling well, so I don't need Aiqing to bother you."

(End of this chapter)

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