The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1351 Terrible Beams: Punish Vicious Women

Chapter 1351 Terrible Beams: Punish Vicious Women (3)

Chu Mubai stood up gracefully, afraid that this woman would use him to test the needles.

He was about to leave this place of right and wrong, but he heard Han Shushu say again: "I heard that men are all flirtatious and vulgar things. If there is no such thing as a man, it must be impossible to be flirtatious? The emperor said Yes or no?"

Hearing this, Chu Mubai immediately looked at his important parts.

He pretended to be calm, and turned his head to give Han Shushu a comforting smile: "I don't have this problem. There are thousands of beauties in the world, but only Han Aiqing can make me hard..."

His serious tone, coupled with his serious expression, but coupled with his very unserious words, made Han Shushu go from being stunned to changing his face as he wished.

It wasn't until Han Shushu's cheeks were blushed that Chu Mubai showed a slight smile, and then walked out of Yincui Palace with graceful steps.

As soon as Chu Mubai left, Han Shushu spat softly: "Shameless rascal, beast!"

It's not bad to say these things.

He looks serious, but he is the one who is the most shameless.

Thinking of what Chu Mubai said just now, Han Shushu's face burned again.

It took her a while to recover her frantic heartbeat.

Looking at the unconscious Qin Ruyu, a sly smile curved her lips.

Before Qin Ruyu dealt with herself, why didn't she play tricks on this self-righteous vicious woman?

After all, Chu Mubai saw the whole process of her acupuncture just now, and didn't reprimand her.That is to say, as long as she doesn't take Qin Ruyu's life, Chu Mubai shouldn't have any big opinions, right?
What's more, even if Chu Mubai has an opinion, she just refuses to admit it when the time comes.

Immediately, she was no longer polite, and took out the longest gold needle.

Under the sunlight, the golden needles exude a dark and strange green light.

Suddenly, there was a terrible scream in the room.

Xiaozhu and another palace maid heard the sound and entered the room, only to see Qin Ruyu rolling on the couch with disheveled hair, her face painted with exquisite makeup was even more distorted and ferocious, screaming again and again.

Seeing them entering, Han Shushu showed an amiable smile: "Don't worry, the imperial concubine is just too sick, and I will help her treat with acupuncture."

Xiao Zhu looked at Qin Ruyu who was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, but actually felt inexplicably happy in her heart.

These palace servants who served Qin Ruyu were more or less abused by Qin Ruyu.

Today is a rare opportunity to see Qin Ruyu in such pain, such a scene is rare in a hundred years.

Next, Han Shushu stuck a few more needles into Qin Ruyu's body.This time, she simply sealed Qin Ruyu's dumb acupoint.

After Qin Ruyu rolled on the couch for several rounds, she passed out again.

Xiaozhu and the other little maid were stunned, and saw that Han Shushu still had a charming smile on his face. Is this a doctor or an abuser?
Seeing Qin Ruyu's painful expression, it must be that life is worse than death, right?

Han Shushu played for another quarter of an hour, then she put away her hands contentedly, and picked up the medicine box. She looked at Qin Ruyu, who was looking at her viciously, with a smile like a flower: "I also worked hard to treat the concubine just now. Thank you." There is no need to say more. Actually, I am not talking about the noble concubine, not everyone can get this disease. The noble concubine is so seriously ill this time, will you dare to get sick easily next time?"

Wanting to get close to Chu Mubai with the trick of getting sick, Qin Ruyu might remember it for the rest of his life this time.

(End of this chapter)

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