Chapter 1360 Meat to the mouth (4)

Chu Mubai stared at Han Shushu's beautiful smile in a daze, his eyes darkened slightly, and he asked again worriedly: "Can Aiqing's body be used for intercourse?"

His sudden question stunned Han Shushu for a moment, and then his face flushed red.

This man is really a beast, no matter how he changes, the beast in his bones will never disappear.

However, he was still much more restrained than before.

What's more, which normal man has no physiological needs?It was only him, for his own restraint and forbearance.

"It's okay if you don't answer?" Chu Mubai stepped forward, tugged on Han Shushu's slender waist, leaned over, and kissed the woman's petal-like bright red mouth.

This mouth **** tortured him every night and made him careless about politics. He has endured it for a long time...

The moment their lips met, they were entangled fiercely like dry wood meeting a raging fire.

The root of Han Shushu's tongue hurt from Chu Mubai's rudeness, but he felt strangely excited.

She unconsciously circled his neck tightly, and while being emotional, she followed his example and bit his lower lip lightly, which caused Chu Mubai to tremble slightly.

Chu Mubai hugged Han Shushu even tighter, and whispered on her lips: "Fairy..."

He entangled her cute and slippery tongue-tip more intensely, sucking tightly, passionately and lingeringly.

Han Shushu was dizzy from the kiss, and when she found herself pressed on the wooden table in the medicine room, her face was already flushed, and she was looking at the man on top of her with beautiful eyes.

Chu Mubai's mind was shaken by her seductive and innocent eyes, and he felt a string in his heart suddenly snapped, which made him lose his former calmness and self-control, and only wanted to possess her body fiercely.

He squeezed between Han Shushu's legs and was about to make a move when suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

"No, it's a fire—"

Xiaocao's voice came from far to near, perhaps mixed with other people's shouts.

Han Shushu's brain that had stopped functioning started to function, and she belatedly realized that she and Chu Mubai's posture was very ambiguous, and she blushed unreasonably for a while.

She struggled to get up, busy arranging her clothes.

Damn it, is it because Chu Mubai's flirting skills are too superb, or because she is too horny, and almost misfired in a place like the medicine room, she is the wisest of her life...

Chu Mubai watched Han Shushu's hands and feet arranging his clothes with deep eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "If there is a fire, it will be a fire..."

He needs more relief.

Han Shushu looked at him stupidly, lowered his eyelids, and dared not look at Chu Mubai's hot eyes again.

It's all on fire, and this person actually wants to continue with unfinished business?

Seeing that Han Shushu hadn't buttoned his collar for a long time, Chu Mubai simply slapped her hand away, wanting to help her.

But when he saw the snow-white flesh on her chest, his heart was agitated for a moment, and he actually changed into taking it off, and directly tore off her skirt again.

His rude and arrogant actions made Han Shushu dumbfounded again. The next moment, Chu Mubai threw her down on the wooden table again. He bit and gnawed on her chest, making her sanity gradually fade away...

"Your Majesty, it's not good..."

Seeing the fragrant scene in the medicine room clearly, Chu Yun's voice stopped abruptly.

He changed his face and hurriedly turned around.

It's over, he actually ruined the master's good deed.

A murderous look pierced his back, making Chu Yun uneasy.

Han Shushu was so ashamed that he wanted to dig into the ground, his resentful eyes fixed on Chu Mubai's face.

(End of this chapter)

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