Chapter 1361 Meat to the mouth (5)

Really, knowing that something big happened in the palace, but still trying to drag her out of bed, why is this person so shameless?

Han Shushu turned his back and tidied up his clothes in a panic, hoping that he could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Chu Mubai's expression has recovered. Seeing her drooping her head, she was too ashamed to lift her head. He grabbed her body and whispered to her, "I'll deal with you next time!"

He left this sentence and walked out of the medicine room.

Only Han Shushu was left watching Chu Mubai's tall figure go further and further away in horror, wondering what he meant by this, did he want to double revenge on her?

When Xiaocao found the medicine room, she saw Han Shushu standing there with disheveled clothes, looking very silly.

"Has Thirteen come?"

Only then did Han Shushu regain his composure, coughed lightly and replied, "I don't know!"

"You just pretend. Judging by your appearance, Thirteen must have done something to you." Xiaocao looked like she had seen through adultery long ago.

Han Shushu's face turned pale, and he coughed again and asked, "Where's Yuan Bao? Aren't you going to accompany him and protect him at this time?"

"Qingxin is taking care of her. By the way, there was a fire in Xiaoxiang Palace just now. The fire was so intense that many palace people died." Xiaocao corrected her appearance and stepped forward to help Han Shushu tidy up her clothes.

Only then did Han Shushu realize that his clothes were disheveled, and his face turned red again.

"I'm supposed to be on duty tonight. I'll go over and have a look." Han Shushu picked up the medicine box and was about to leave.

"I always feel that there have been frequent accidents in the past two days. Could the two cases be related? Well, I'll go too. If something happens, I can take care of you." Xiaocao worriedly followed.

"No. You have to take good care of Yuanbao. I'm going to Xiaoxiang Palace. There are a lot of imperial guards there at the moment. It will be fine. Don't worry." Courtyard, go to Xiaoxiang Palace.

When Han Shushu arrived at Xiaoxiang Palace, he found that the fire had been extinguished.

Even so, you can feel how serious the fire was at that time, otherwise it would not have burned like this in a short period of time.

Fortunately, all the concubines were at the Star Chasing Terrace at that time, and those who stayed in the Star Chasing Terrace were palace servants and eunuchs. Only two palace maids survived, and there were more than ten corpses.

Liu He was healing the wounded, and Han Shushu was about to go, but Chu Mubai shouted in a deep voice: "Han Aiqing, you are not allowed to go!"

"Weichen is the female doctor on duty tonight, so I have to go." Han Shushu replied calmly.

Chu Mubai looked at her coldly, but she looked back calmly.

In the end, Chu Mubai gave in and waved lightly, signaling her to heal the palace servants.

Seeing the two severely burned palace servants, Liu He was at a loss.With such a serious injury, it is still unknown whether he can be revived.The main reason is that the pain involved is beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.Even if it is cured in the end, I'm afraid I won't be ashamed to see others in the future, right?
"Master Liu, let me come." Han Shushu said to Liu He.

When Liu He saw Han Shushu coming, he immediately gave up his seat.

Han Shushu couldn't bear to see the injuries of the two palace maids. She gave the screaming two people injections, sealed their pain points, and poured potion on them to treat burns.

Han Shushu has been busy, but in fact, he is doing his best to obey the destiny.

It is the duty of a doctor to treat people, but she didn't know whether to treat the two palace maids in pain.

Maybe giving them a happy ending can make them completely relieved...

"Why did it catch fire? Have you found out the cause?"

(End of this chapter)

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