Chapter 1371 The Emperor’s Game (2)

"Master Han, are you okay?!" When Li He entered the pharmacy, he saw Han Shushu concentrating on making medicine, so he stepped forward to care.

It's really because Han Shushu's reaction is too abnormal, could he be forcing a smile?
"Very good." Han Shushu took a moment to look at Li He and replied quietly.

Li He purposely walked around the pharmacy a few times, seeing that Han Shushu had been working seriously, for a moment he felt that he might be thinking too much.

Just like Han Shushu, it's no wonder it's not good.

At three o'clock in the unitary hour, Han Shushu came to Li He, and said to him specially: "I'm going to Chuxiu Palace, Mrs. Li is not feeling well, so let me go and see a doctor for her."

"Are you still seeing a doctor at Chuxiu Palace at this hour?" Li He asked in surprise.

It's almost time for dinner, why don't you go there early, it's too strange.

"I don't know. Li Guiren asked me to pass this hour. No matter what you say, he is a noble person. He must be seriously ill after giving the order? Li Guiren said yesterday that after I finish her consultation, you should Take me back to the South Campus." Han Shushu deliberately said a few more words.

This is to leave a witness for himself, saying that he was called by Li Guiren to see a doctor.

If something really happens, it's not on my own head.

It just so happened that today was not a very happy day, and someone was sent to her door to be raped by herself. Of course, she had to repay Li Guiren's "kindness".

"Master Han still needs to be careful, and the heart of defense is indispensable." Liu He reminded Han Shushu worriedly.

Han Shushu nodded, expressing his understanding, and then went to Chuxiu Palace with the medicine box.

In Li Guiren's other garden, tea has already been prepared there.

Seeing Han Shushu coming, Li Guiren immediately stood up to greet him warmly: "Master Han is here, please come in quickly."

This morning, it was suddenly reported that Concubine De was in bed, and she was still wondering if Han Shushu had fallen out of favor.If Han Shushu falls out of favor, then is there any need for her to attack Han Shushu?

But when she thought of all the rumors about Han Shushu, a charming embryo, she felt that she couldn't give up halfway.

It is precisely to take advantage of Han Shushu's fall from favor to drive her into the underworld, so that she will never be reborn, so that Han Shushu will never have the chance to seduce the Lord again.

"Your health is alright, I'll take your pulse first." As Han Shushu said, he took Li Guiren's pulse.

With Li Guiren's body, how can it be bad if he is so busy scheming people?

Han Shushu sneered in his heart, but there was no expression on his face.

"Master Han, it's rare to come here, please have a cup of tea." Li Guiren passed the tea with medicine to Han Shushu without any trace.

Han Shushu was taking Li Guiren's pulse. After she made a diagnosis, she picked up the teacup and was about to drink it, but she saw Li Guiren was staring at her.

Seeing this, Han Shushu put down his teacup, and Li Guiren suddenly became nervous.

Damn it, Han Shushu won't see anything, right?

"Is this tea not to your taste?" Li Guiren asked cautiously.

"No, it's just that I'm not thirsty yet. I just made a diagnosis, and the young master's body is recovering well, just rest for a few days." Han Shushu replied with a smile.

When Li Guiren heard this, he picked up the teacup anxiously, and said to Han Shushu: "Thank you, Mr. Han, I don't have anything to entertain here. Why don't you offer tea to Mr. Han, and Mr. Han must give you face!"

"Young Master, you are serious." Han Shushu clinked glasses with Li Guiren, because the tea was splashed out because of too much force.

Li Guiren was slightly astonished.

(End of this chapter)

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