Chapter 1372 The Emperor’s Game (3)

That is, at the moment when Li Guiren was flashing, Han Shushu pointed a little, and the love potion hidden in his nails was sprinkled into Li Guiren's teacup.

She has practiced drugs for many years, and she also joined Ge Kongkong's school to learn the art of stealing, both of which require extremely fast speed.

Ordinary people can't even see her attack, and they have already been tricked, let alone a weak woman like Li Guiren who has no achievements.

Moreover, she had already hidden the love potion under Li Guiren's pillow, and when the incident happened, Li Guiren would not be able to deny it with all the witnesses and material evidence.

Li Guiren is very self-confident, but she doesn't pay attention to Han Shushu's medical and poison skills. This is also the most direct reason why she underestimated the enemy and suffered a fiasco in the end.

Han Shushu had already taken the antidote, so he generously drank the tea in one gulp.

"It's not dark yet, so why don't you go out for a walk?" She lifted the medicine box and asked meaningfully.

She knew that Li Guiren would definitely find a way to give her a ride when he was waiting to see the scene of her drug-induced seizures.

That being the case, why not let her open the mouth, lest Li Guiren make another excuse to see how considerate she is?

Li Guiren couldn't get what he wanted, so he left Chuxiu Palace with Han Shushu one after the other.

Han Shushu didn't go far, wiped his sweat all the time, and muttered to himself: "It's strange, why is my body getting hotter and hotter?"

Seeing this, Li Guiren sneered aside.Drinking the most overbearing love potion she specially found, can Han Shushu not be hot?
It's just the beginning.

When the medicinal properties really kicked in, Han Shushu would definitely rush to find a man.

It's just that there are no men in the harem, so she found two men for Han Shushu from outside the palace, and waited at the necessary intersection when returning to the South Courtyard.

At that time, as long as the audience is invited, the entire palace will see the scene of Han Shushu's prostitution-chaos in the harem.

When she got near the South Courtyard, Li Guiren felt palpitations and flustered for no reason, she panted lightly a few times, her body was so hot that she was sweating profusely soon.

Han Shushu walked in front and didn't look back at all.

Li Gui wanted to follow in a panic, but found that his steps were heavy.

She slowed down, panting coquettishly, unknowingly unbuttoned the collar of her shirt, it was still hot, her whole body was hot and uncomfortable...

She really wants a man, wants to have sex with a man.

Li Guiren's mind is still clear, but the desire for a man in his heart continues unabated.

She uncontrollably unbuttoned her clothes, one by one, and touched her white and slippery body.

When the two strong men who had been waiting for a long time saw Li Guiren who was touching him on the ground, their blood suddenly swelled.Because it was already dark, the woman's movement could not be seen clearly at all, so the lustful two rushed forward.

After all, it is also a great blessing in this life to be able to taste the woman of the current emperor.

A group of imperial guards who walked nearby and followed the patrol soon heard the strange sound, and followed the sound and walked over.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the two men and one woman who were upside down...

The matter about Li Guiren's affair with two men outside the palace soon spread to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but that's all.

After all, for a concubine in the harem to have an affair with a man outside the harem is a serious crime of adultery and chaos in the harem, and it loses the face of the royal family. Who would dare to chew their tongues?
There are so many witnesses, Li Guiren can't slander him.

Li Guiren had regained her senses when the imperial guards saw her. She was startled and angry, and hurriedly tried to find something to cover her body, but she couldn't find anything.

When Chu Mubai heard the news and arrived, Li Guiren was already fully dressed, so she figured out a reason...

(End of this chapter)

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