Chapter 1373 The Emperor’s Game (4)

Han Shushu knew that she had set up a trick, but the woman turned her into an army, ruining her reputation.

Li Guiren hurriedly crawled to Chu Mubai's legs, and said in a hoarse voice, "Your Majesty, yes, it was Han Shushu who drugged the concubine. The emperor must thoroughly investigate the truth and avenge the concubine..."

When Chu Mubai heard the word "Han Shushu", he had been depressed for a day, and now he was even more furious.

He kicked Li Guiren over, and said coldly: "Bring me Han Shushu to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and I will try the case myself!"

When Han Shushu heard that Chu Mubai was looking for him to try the case, Shi Shiran went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and waited quietly for Chu Mubai to question him.

Li Guiren and the two strong men had already knelt down in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When they saw Han Shushu approaching, Li Guiren rushed forward: "Master Han, what enmity do I have with you? Why did you treat me like this?"

Han Shushu frowned when he heard the words: "Why can't I understand what the young master is talking about?"

She was not at the scene when the crime happened, and she was not the one who caught the rape. Who would believe Li Guiren's words?

"You are still pretending to be stupid with me. You are clearly helping me to see a doctor. When I sent you to the South Hospital, I suddenly took a love potion. Among them, you are the only person I have come into contact with. Why did you frame me like this?" Li The nobleman wanted to pounce on him, but Wanxin stopped him in time.

"My lord, please be quiet and don't make noise. Your Majesty, don't be presumptuous!" Wanxin gave Li Guiren a cold look.

Li Guiren suddenly felt timid and withdrew his body.

Han Shushu then bowed his hands to Chu Mubai who was sitting on the dragon throne: "My minister respectfully invites the emperor Jinan!"

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu coldly.

This woman can't live in peace for a day.

He always thought that no matter what, Han Shushu would come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation today.

I didn't want her to finally come at this moment, but in this way.

If this case hadn't happened, I'm afraid this woman wouldn't have stepped into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, right?

Seeing that Chu Mubai was just looking at Han Shushu coldly, everyone couldn't help but sweat coldly for Han Shushu.

Unexpectedly, Han Shushu quietly stepped aside after that, waiting for interrogation.

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu coldly for a while, and finally got down to business: "Han Shushu, Pan Cairen said that you gave her a love potion, what do you say?"

"I only know that after I went to Li Guiren's place, I found out that I was poisoned by the love potion. If Wei Chen hadn't discovered it in time, returned to the South Courtyard as quickly as possible, and cured himself of the love poison, the consequences would have been disastrous. "Han Shushu replied respectfully.

Chu Mubai's eyes gradually turned cold, and his sharp eyes swept towards Li Guiren.

Li Guiren was so scared that he was trembling all over, and he stammered back: "No, no, Mr. Han saved the concubine once the night before yesterday, how could the concubine do such a thing to Mr. Han?"

"Isn't it? We'll find out soon." Chu Mubai sat lazily on the dragon chair, looking at Han Shushu vaguely.

Han Shushu pretended not to know that Chu Mubai was looking at her, because Chu Mubai's gaze made him uncomfortable, and finally he simply turned his body quietly, so that he could avoid Chu Mubai's murderous eyes.

Not long after, Chu Yun came back from the Chuxiu Palace to obtain evidence, and he found the love potion and the teacup.

Liu He heard about this and rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation after hearing the news.

Seeing Liu He's appearance, Han Shushu's heart was completely at ease.

Now that there are all the witnesses and material evidence, Li Guiren can no longer deny it.

"Your Majesty, this is an item found in Li Guiren's bedroom. This medicine was found on the bed where Li Guiren slept. The poison in the cup was tested by Mr. Liu, and it was proved that the two poisons are completely consistent."

(End of this chapter)

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