Chapter 1374 The Emperor’s Game (5)

Chu Yun said, and handed the two evidences of the medicine powder and the cup to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai glanced roughly, motioning to take away the evidence.

At this time Liu He also came out and said: "I can testify. When Master Han went to Chuxiu Palace, he told Weichen. At that time, Weichen still felt strange why he asked Master Han to go to Chuxiu Palace at this time. At that time Weichen also warned Mr. Han, but Mr. Han didn't take it seriously. Moreover, Mr. Han also said at the time that Mr. Li would personally send Mr. Han back to the South Courtyard. Now that I think about it carefully, Mr. Li has already had a wrong heart and wanted to We must lay a poisonous hand on Mr. Han."

Chu Mubai looked at Han Shushu when he heard the words, but Han Shushu didn't look at him.She looks like this, but she has a plan in her chest.

"Since the case has been tried clearly, it is natural to have a decision. Han Aiqing is the victim of this case, have you figured out how to deal with Li Guiren?" Chu Mubai asked softly, still sitting lazily on the dragon bed. chair.

Han Shushu quietly glanced at Chu Mubai's sitting posture, always feeling that Chu Mubai seemed to have seen the whole truth clearly.

Perhaps when Chu Mubai knew that this matter was provoked by Li Guiren, she also knew that she was going to plan and included Li Guiren.

Chu Mubai was clearly watching a good show.

"It's all up to the emperor to decide." Han Shushu replied hoarsely, not daring to neglect at all.

Who knows what decision Chu Mubai will make?
The most important thing is, don't drag her into the water, she can't figure out what Mu Bai really wants to do.

Chu Mubai took a deep look at Han Shushu with downcast eyes, then looked at the two men and a woman kneeling and trembling on the ground, and lightly curled his thin lips: "Li Guiren, are you guilty?"

Li Guiren was already trembling, she never expected that she would fall into Han Shushu's hands.

Han Shushu actually knew of her plan early in the morning, so he used her tricks and tricked her into it.It's ridiculous that she thought she could control the overall situation, but in the end, Han Shushu turned against the general.

"Please, please forgive me..."

At this moment, she was suddenly scared to death.Even the night before yesterday, she thought that she had been abused by others, that life would be worse than death, and that she would end it by herself.

But who knew, but after a day, she actually regenerated her greed.

"I can give one of the three of you a chance to live. Remember, only one of the three can survive." Chu Mubai said, looking at Wanxin: "Take three daggers and find one in the shortest time. An iron cage that can house three people!"

Wan Xin nodded, and soon found three exquisite daggers.

The iron cage took some time to prepare, and it took about an hour before the iron cage was sent to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Han Shushu has been looking for an opportunity to leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and after several attempts, Chu Mubai did not let go.

In the end, she was seated on a round stool beside Chu Mubai.

Not long after, another group of delicate guests came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, all of whom were concubines from the harem.

When everyone received the edict, they almost moved in full force.

The news about Han Shushu's poisoning spread throughout the harem, and everyone gloated over it. Of course, most of them hoped that Han Shushu would disappear from the harem and restore the harem to peace.

But after entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, when they saw Han Shushu placed next to Chu Mubai, everyone was a little confused and didn't understand what happened.

Didn't it mean that they were poisoned? How could it be all right? On the contrary, Li Guiren and the two men were put into the iron cage.

(End of this chapter)

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