Chapter 1378 Change of body for official (4)

Thinking of this, Han Shushu suddenly became enlightened, and returned to the south courtyard happily.

After she returned to the south courtyard, she took a comfortable bath and moved the sleeping little one to her couch.

Seeing the little guy sleeping peacefully, she smiled, and while he was asleep, she kissed the little guy hard on the face a few times, and then fell asleep contentedly.

Han Shushu fell asleep on the couch, and Chu Mubai at the Hall of Mental Cultivation saw Han Shushu leave, and his expression became gloomy again.

"Chu Yun, bring the wine!" Chu Mubai ordered in a deep voice.

Chu Yun quickly found a jug of wine and handed it to Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai raised his head and drank the wine in one go, but the depression in his heart only increased.

"Your majesty, do you still want to find a concubine to sleep with?" Chu Yun looked at it for a while, then asked in a low voice.

Chu Mubai glanced coldly at Chu Yun, and Chu Yun knew that he was talking too much, so he stepped aside and didn't dare to say anything.

Half an hour later, Chu Mubai wanted to drink again, but Chu Yun hurriedly stepped forward to stop him and said, "If the emperor wants a girl, he should go and invite the girl here in a lowly position. Why should the emperor vomit with himself?"

It was Chu Mubai who insisted on finding Chu Qiao to sleep with him last night, but now things are getting more and more complicated, and the plot is not going as Chu Mubai expected, so Chu Mubai is not happy.

He had known for a long time that this trick would work for other women, but it might not work for Han Shushu. At that time, Chu Mubai refused to listen.

It's all right now, but it pushes Han Shushu further and further away.During the day today, Han Shushu took the initiative to kiss Nangong. Is this going to stay with Nangong?
Chu Yun suddenly felt that Han Shushu was going to abandon Chu Mubai and choose Nangong.

"What do I want that woman to do?!" Chu Mubai curled his lips coldly.

What flashed before his eyes was the scene where Han Shushu took the initiative to kiss Nangong.

No wonder she said she would only be his courtier, because she wanted to be Xiaoyao Wang's woman.The relationship between that woman and King Xiaoyao was severed, and she didn't take him seriously at all...

Chu Yun looked at Wanxin helplessly, and Wanxin shook her head at him. '

They all felt that this bedroom was full of resentment, deep and heavy resentment.

After another quarter of an hour, seeing that Chu Mubai hadn't stopped, Chu Yun recklessly stepped forward and snatched the wine jar: "The emperor can't drink any more! The emperor uses wine to drown his worries, and the girl can't see it. Why bother to come?" Well, I'm afraid the girl is already sound asleep at this moment—"

While Chu Yun was still talking, Chu Mubai got up suddenly, which startled Chu Yun.

To be honest, after serving Chu Mubai for many years, he has never seen Chu Mubai drinking to soothe his worries like this.

"Where is the emperor going?"

Just as Chu Yun asked, Wanxin kicked him: "Stupid, you don't need to ask, of course to see if the girl is asleep. You said that the girl was framed by someone today, how could she fall asleep so quickly? "

"From my point of view, she is probably asleep. The girl has always been kind. Even the emperor summoned his concubines to bed yesterday, and he didn't see the girl unhappy." Chu Yun said, and followed out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Facts have proved that Wanxin was right, Chu Mubai did go to the South Courtyard.

When seeing the mother and child sleeping peacefully on the couch, Chu Mubai's face darkened.

He walked to the bed and looked coldly at Han Shushu's sleeping face.After encountering so many accidents today, she was still able to sleep peacefully.May I ask, besides her, Han Shushu, who else is the most heartless and ungrateful person in the world?
Did she really think that he insisted on her? !
There are so many beauties in the world, he believes that there is always one who can catch his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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