Chapter 1379 Change of body for official (5)

Chu Mubai paced back and forth in the room, finally stood in front of the couch and looked at Han Shushu's sweet sleeping face for a quarter of an hour, then angrily flung his sleeves and left.

Han Shushu slept soundly and peacefully. When he got up the next day, he saw Xiaocao with a stern face.

Xiaocao's appearance made Han Shushu laugh: "Did Shisan find a concubine to sleep with again?"

When Xiaocao heard this, she was very angry: "Thirteen calls concubines to bed every night, how can you still laugh?"

"Are you crying if you don't laugh?" Han Shushu restrained the smile on his face, and said with a downcast face: "Okay, I'm crying, don't stop me..."

When Xiaocao heard this, she was dumbfounded: "You don't really want to cry, do you?"

Han Shushu smiled instead at this moment: "Silly girl, I'm just kidding you!"

She turned to look at the little guy who was still sleeping: "Let Yuan Bao sleep a little longer, he's smart anyway, he can learn everything quickly. Plus he's growing up..."

"Come on, haven't you noticed that Yuan Bao has more and more meat on his belly? Sometimes this guy is lazy, just like you." Xiaocao interrupted Han Shushu.

Since Han Shushu herself is not angry anymore, what's the use of being angry?

That day Han Shushu walked out of the South Courtyard, and met palace eunuchs on the way, and those people respectfully followed the court etiquette, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

The brutal and bloody scene in the Hall of Mental Cultivation yesterday made everyone fearful.

Don't say that the palace people are afraid, so why isn't she like this?

Chu Mubai's ruthlessness is not a matter of a day or two. He once again showed his power yesterday to let everyone know that he is an iron-blooded king.

Five years ago, she must have felt that Chu Mubai was too domineering and cruel.

But now she felt that, as a king, she could establish her prestige in this way, so that people would know that he was the mighty emperor, and no one could presumptuously stand in front of him.

The emperor was born lonely, otherwise how could he call himself a "widow"?
While thinking wildly, she went to the Imperial Hospital and plunged headlong into poison and medical techniques.

For the next few days, the days passed fairly smoothly, without any further disturbances.

Apart from waking up every morning and hearing Xiaocao tell her which concubine of the palace has entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation to serve, it seems that there is nothing else worthy of praise.

As for the fact that the concubine frequently went to bed, Han Shushu just ignored it and forgot it.

Ten days later, Nangong entered the palace in a hurry, and found her with a happy face.

From the looks of it, she knew that Nangong had helped her find the herbs she was looking for.

She immediately asked Hu Yuanshi for leave, but Hu Yuanshi was generous and allowed her five days off.In this way, she can safely hide in the south courtyard of the capital to refine the gel cream, and by the way, she can talk to Qin Changting about the old days.

Of course, this time she wanted to take Xiao Yuanbao out of the palace.

Just because of Xiao Yuanbao's special status, she didn't know if the Hall of Mental Cultivation would be accurate.

Xiaocao went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to ask for an order, while Han Shushu went to Chuxiu Palace to find Xiao Louzi and told him that he was going out of the palace.

For the past half month, she has dealt with Xiao Louzi every day, and she found that this eunuch is also a sullen guy, except for a bit of a vicious mouth, she can't find any faults.

"Finally, I don't need to see the girl, and I don't need to dirty the slave's eyes. It's the best." Lou Jinghong said lightly, turned and left.

Han Shushu stared angrily at Xiao Louzi's back, wondering how could there be such an unpleasant person in this world?
She regarded him as a friend, and she was leaving the palace for a few days to bid farewell to him, but he behaved like this.

(End of this chapter)

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