Chapter 1380 Change of body for official (6)

Han Shushu was thinking that it would be rare for her to stay in the palace for a few days, and whether she should buy some presents for Xiao Louzi, but seeing Xiao Louzi's lack of smoking, she immediately stopped.

After leaving Chuxiu Palace, Han Shushu anxiously waited for news in the South Courtyard.

But after waiting for a long time, Xiaocao still didn't come back to the south courtyard. Han Shushu suddenly became a little nervous.

Could it be that Chu Mubai suddenly went berserk and killed Xiaocao in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?

After waiting for another hour, Han Shushu felt that something was wrong.

It all started from morning to afternoon, and Xiaocao hadn't come out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation yet, so it was absolutely impossible for anything good to happen.

What should I do, is she going to send the sheep to the tiger's mouth?

From her point of view now, the Hall of Mental Cultivation is a den of dragons and tigers, which cannot be easily broken into.

It has been half a month since she entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and she hasn't seen Chu Mubai for half a month, and she doesn't know if he is in a good mood recently.

"It seems that the situation is not quite right, girl, let's go and have a look, don't let Xiaocao die in the Hall of Mental Cultivation without knowing what's going on." Qingxin was also pacing back and forth, feeling uneasy.

Han Shushu finally made up his mind, after all, Xiao Yuanbao was also taken by Xiaocao, and this time he had to go no matter what.

With the determination to break the ax and sink the boat, she rushed to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, but when she arrived at this magnificent hall, she was a little afraid.

She wandered around in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation twice, walked up to the guards and asked, "Did your Majesty give any orders not to allow me to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation?"

The guard looked at her, and replied respectfully: "Return to the girl's words, never!"

"Then how long has Xiaocao and Yuanbao been in Yangxin Palace?" Han Shushu asked.

Maybe Xiaocao and Yuanbao didn't come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation at all, so she didn't have to enter this terrible palace.

"It's been more than two hours." The guard's answer caused Han Shushu to slump his shoulders.

When it's over, I still have to enter the Hall of Mental Cultivation to see what happened inside.

She entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation in surprise, and saw that the main hall, where palace officials usually stood everywhere, was empty. It looked too quiet and strange, which made her feel a little flustered.

Could it be that Chu Mubai was too difficult to serve, so he killed all the servants in the Hall of Mental Cultivation?

"Little grass?" Han Shushu called out in a low voice.

Her voice echoed in the air, but no one answered her.

She walked all the way to the study, and the moment she saw Xiaocao, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaocao winked at Han Shushu fiercely, wanting to tell Han Shushu to speak carefully and not to piss off Chu Mubai.

How could Han Shushu not know the worries in Xiaocao's heart.

Since Chu Mubai left Xiaocao behind, it means that leaving the palace depends on Chu Mubai's face.

"You're here, let's have a good talk with Thirteen." Seeing Han Shushu coming, Xiaocao ran away in a hurry without having to stand for punishment.

Before Han Shushu could even open his mouth, Xiaocao ran away without a trace.

This is really...

Han Shushu lowered his eyes and went to Chu Mubai to salute: "My minister sees the emperor."

From the moment she entered the study, she didn't dare to look at Chu Mubai's face.Otherwise, she was afraid that she would be forced back by Chu Mubai's eyes, and she would forget her original intention of leaving the palace.

She hung her head and waited for nearly a quarter of an hour, but Chu Mubai did not open her mouth.

Her neck is almost stiff...

While hesitating, she raised her eyes to look at Chu Mubai.

Seeing Chu Mubai looking at her coldly, she immediately lowered her head again, coughed softly and said: "I have something to do and want to go out of the palace, and I want to bring Yuanbao with me, please play it!"

(End of this chapter)

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