Chapter 1382 Change of body for official (8)

Hu Yuanshi blushed, and he was also to blame for this matter.

He thought that by approving Han Shushu's departure from the palace, he was flattering Han Shushu, but he didn't know that the superiors would not allow leave.

"Just treat me as an old fool. In short, Mr. Han can't leave the palace for half a step, because Mr. Han will be very busy in the next time." Hu Yuanshi didn't dare to look into Han Shushu's eyes, and said with an official air .

"What can I do? Aren't there so many imperial physicians, one less than me, and one more than me." Han Shushu didn't think so, thinking that Hu Yuanshi was trying to fool himself on purpose.

"Tomorrow there will be a group of female doctors entering the palace, and they will be arranged under the name of Mr. Han. Mr. Han, you don't know, you have been promoted to a court judge, and now you are a sixth-rank official in the court." Hu Yuanshi smiled at Han Shushu You can see your teeth but not your eyes.

Han Shushu was dumbfounded when he heard this.

She was promoted, why didn't she know about it?
She didn't receive the decree either.And she just came out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation just now, so she didn't hear Chu Mubai talk about it.

"Master Hu, are you sure I'm promoted?" Han Shushu felt incredulous.

"Of course I'm sure. An hour ago, the emperor sent someone to the Imperial Hospital to explain the matter. This is Mr. Han's official uniform hat." Hu Yuanshi said, and handed the official uniform to Han Shushu.

He intentionally approached Han Shushu, and whispered: "This is what the emperor means. The emperor does not want Mr. Han to leave the palace, so Mr. Han will stay in the imperial hospital. When the new female doctor arrives tomorrow, Mr. Han must take good care of them." All right. I heard that the new batch of female doctors are all well-off, and they are all young ladies from official families."

Han Shushu tightened her eyebrows when she heard this.

Hearing the meaning of Hu Yuanshi's words, she felt that Chu Mubai had been planning this matter for a long time, but she hadn't heard any rumors.

She did remember that Chu Yun and Wanxin didn't come to the South Court recently, and Xiaocao didn't dare to run into the Hall of Mental Cultivation casually, for fear that Chu Mubai would see it and take his anger out on her.

It's okay for Chu Mubai to be busy recruiting beauties every day, why do she have to find so many female doctors to make things difficult for her?
You must know that those are all ladies from the official family. If she accidentally offended her, wouldn't she have to make enemies everywhere?
She deeply knows that where there are many women, there are many right and wrong.

Originally, the Tai Hospital was relatively quiet, and she was the only female doctor.

Now we have to recruit a new batch of female doctors, will we still have them in the future?
Han Shushu was in a very depressed mood at the moment.Being promoted is a very good thing, but why doesn't she feel any excitement?

In fact, she has been a woman with no ambition since she was a child.

She once aspired to be a super rice bug. As for being an official, she never dreamed about it, but now, not long after she entered the Tai Hospital, she was actually promoted from an eighth-rank female doctor to a sixth-rank court judge. The speed of this promotion is too fast.

"Don't you know Mr. Han? The emperor intends to promote you. In fact, Mr. Han has made great contributions to saving the epidemic recently. The emperor mentioned this matter in court more than once. It was not a whim. Moreover, Mr. Han's promotion is indeed well-known, Mr. Han Why bother with this matter?"

Liu He walked up to Han Shushu, and said to Han Shushu earnestly.

Han Shushu nodded thoughtfully, but he also understood what Liu He said was reasonable.

The last epidemic was very serious. If the spread of the epidemic was not suppressed in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

The greatest contribution to her and Nangong is that they risked their lives to find the antidote.From this point of view, her promotion is actually famous.

(End of this chapter)

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