Chapter 1383 Change of body for official (9)

However, when she went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to face the saint, Chu Mubai didn't reveal the slightest bit of news, but the man was calm.

Since he didn't like to see her, why did he promote her?
Han Shushu couldn't figure out what Chu Mubai was planning.

If she can't figure it out, she simply doesn't think about it.

In the afternoon, Liu He sent Han Shushu the roster of female doctors who were selected into the Tai Hospital.

When she saw Qin Changting's name in it, her eyes widened.

Even with Qin Changting's virtue, he can enter the imperial hospital, isn't it just a joke?
Liu He also saw Han Shushu's expression, and said with a smile: "The most interesting one is the princess regent. I heard that the prince regent refused to allow it at first, but later he couldn't resist the princess regent's nonsense. The news I heard is that The princess regent claimed that if she was not allowed to enter the imperial hospital, the regent would be divorced. The regent had no choice but to send the princess regent to the imperial hospital."

Han Shushu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

It seems that Qin Changting thought it was too boring outside the palace, so he wanted to run into the palace.Even if she can enter the palace with her quality, Chu Mubai really opened the back door for Chu Yingchen, right?

Han Shushu skipped Qin Changting's name, and then looked through the roster carefully.

As Hu Yuan Shi said, all the new female doctors who will be recruited tomorrow will be of great background.

Not to mention Qin Changting, apart from her previous status as the eldest princess of Northern Qin, she is now also the regent princess, so naturally she should not be underestimated.

In addition to Qin Changting, the other four female doctors are Lu Qingqing, the daughter of the Minister of Rites, Chen Jing, the daughter of the Minister of Hubu, Zhao Feier, the daughter of General Zhao, and Shi Xiuyu, the daughter of the Minister of Punishment.

All of them were rich ladies from famous families, but they were all sent to the imperial hospital.

How could it be such a coincidence?
And these young ladies are all well-connected.

"Does Master Liu know some allusions about the new female doctor?" Han Shushu couldn't figure out the reason, so he simply caught Liu He to inquire about the news.

She had already seen that Liu He really loves gossip.

It seems that as long as it is something that happens in the palace, Liu He knows it very well.

"Master Han is a smart person, why can't he figure out the reason?" Liu He looked around and made sure no one was eavesdropping nearby. He whispered: "These female doctors originally wanted to be sent to the emperor's harem, but the emperor refused to agree. So I thought of a way, threw it into the imperial hospital, and handed it over to Mr. Han for training. Only the regent princess came into the palace to play with Mr. Han. Mr. Han must be careful to guard against these female doctors in the future. In my opinion, good people Not coming!"

After Liu He finished speaking, he immediately moved away from Han Shushu, fearing that he would be heard talking.

Han Shushu frowned when he heard this.

Chu Mubai is a bit too vicious, knowing that she doesn't like to cause trouble, yet he still wants to throw these women in front of her. Does it mean that her life is not enough to worry about?

After seeing the roster of female doctors, Han Shushu was even more heartbroken, and suddenly felt that his good life would officially end tomorrow.

She didn't know that an hour later, Liu He was called into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Liu He heard that Chu Mubai was going to summon him, his face turned pale with fright.

He just likes to talk more with Han Shushu on weekdays. After all, there are many interesting things around Han Shushu, and the Taiyuan Hospital is boring, so Han Shushu talks more interestingly, so he often chats with Han Shushu A few words.

But he never thought that Chu Mubai would set up his eyes and ears in the imperial hospital and summon him into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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