The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1386 You just ate me to death!

Chapter 1386 You just ate me to death! (2)

Zhao Fei'er's eyes were red with anger.

Han Shushu, this vicious woman, don't fall into her hands one day, otherwise she will definitely make this vicious woman die! !

In order not to be kicked out of the Imperial Hospital, Zhao Fei'er swallowed her anger and went into the Imperial Pharmacy.

Han Shushu pointed to the medicinal materials placed aside: "Weigh this medicinal material according to every two parts, and report to me after weighing a hundred parts. If you can't do it well, deduct three points. , award one point. This is the score sheet, and those who score less than [-] points by then will leave the Tai Hospital, and don’t come back in the future!”

As Han Shushu said, he threw the score sheet in front of Zhao Feier.

Zhao Fei'er glanced at it and felt dizzy. She couldn't understand anything, and only knew that this woman, Han Shushu, was deliberately messing with her.

She was delicate and delicate since she was a child, and she never touched sheep spring water with her ten fingers. When did she do such rough work?

When she went to the medicinal materials and smelled the pungent smell, she almost didn't spit it out.

Just when she was about to go to Han Shushu to make a theory, the other three people also entered and did the same thing to her, which surprised her.

Didn't Han Shushu deliberately target her?
Or did Han Shushu want to show off in front of the four of them?

The other three people also almost vomited when they smelled the smell of medicinal materials, but because of Han Shushu's cold supervision, they didn't dare to make any changes.

At the moment when the four sisters were suffering, a clear and moving voice sounded: "Shu Shu, I have come to play with you in the palace!"

As the voice faded away, a woman in a green dress came in lightly.She has willow eyebrows and big eyes, a beautiful nose and cherry lips, and she is as beautiful as a flower, gorgeous and moving, isn't she the regent princess Qin Changting?
Zhao Fei'er looked at Qin Changting coldly, and only said that Han Shushu is a woman who treats Qin Changting so kindly but treats them so fiercely.

Qin Changting was about to throw himself into Han Shushu's arms and give her a warm hug, but Han Shushu looked at her coldly: "Qin Changting, give me some peace!"

When Han Shushu yelled at Qin Changting, he pursed his lips aggrievedly.

Didn't she come into the palace to accompany this woman because she was afraid of Han Shushu's loneliness? A dead woman doesn't know how to yell at her? !
"Since you have come to Tai Hospital, study medicine hard for me. If you can't learn it, get out in three months!" Han Shushu taught Qin Changting a lesson without false words.

How can medical skills be used casually?If it is not done well, it will kill people.

"Uh." Qin Changting obediently responded, obeying the order.

She didn't want to go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion to rot, she fought for this opportunity with great difficulty, and she must not be driven back to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"Listen to me, all five of you. I will tell you what to do, and you will do it well. I will assign you three tasks every day. If you do well, you will get points, and if you don't do well, you will lose points. At the end of each month There will be an oral test, a written test, and a practical test. At that time, it is a good time to add points. You should seize the opportunity. After three months, your combined score will be less than [-] points, no matter who is standing behind you No matter who you are, the hospital can't tolerate you. As a doctor, if you don't even understand the most basic medical skills, wouldn't the patient be sent to your hands to die? There is no way to learn medicine, only to work steadily and learn the most basic medical knowledge ..."

After Han Shushu confessed, he left the pharmacy.

What a fool, she doesn't like to do this kind of thing the least, and she is so annoying to be asked to do such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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