The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1387 You just ate me to death!

Chapter 1387 You just ate me to death! (3)

Just when Han Shushu was depressed, Zhao Jinzhong's sharp voice suddenly sounded: "The emperor is here!"
So everyone ran out to meet him, even the five medical girls who had just been reprimanded just now ran out quickly.This speed is really fast enough.

If these women have the same drive to study medicine, why worry about not being a teacher?
Did Chu Mubai come to the imperial hospital suddenly to see his candidate for the imperial concubine?
After all, apart from Qin Changting who is married, the other four are all delicate beauties who could win the favor at any time.

Han Shushu complained hard in his heart, and then followed the crowd to meet him.

As for the four beauties who just came in, except for Shi Xiuyu, the other three were busy tugging at their skirts, clearly trying to impress Chu Mubai.

If you're lucky, you might be able to be brought directly into the dragon bed by Chu Mubai to be tender...

The moment Chu Mubai stepped into the imperial hospital, the four beauties who had just entered the palace were dumbfounded, their breathing quickened, and their cheeks were flushed.

It is said that the current emperor has an outstanding appearance, and he is overwhelmed by the country and the city.I have never had the opportunity to see Shengyan before, but now that I see it up close, I realize that the rumors are nothing.

The man in front of him is clear and handsome, his eyes are as deep as ink, his nose is like a river, and his thin lips are sexy and seductive.Dressed in a dragon robe, he is majestic, extravagant, and so handsome that one can hardly breathe freely.

Han Shushu naturally saw the peerless appearance of the four beauties who were infatuated with Chu Mubai.

In fact, it's no wonder for them, as long as a woman with some common sense of aesthetics sees Chu Mubai's face, she will be overwhelmed by this appearance, right?

Remember when she was fascinated by this face? !

Alas, the past can never be recalled.

Han Shushu was immersed in her own thoughts, and it was not until Qin Changting kicked her hard that she recovered from the trance.

At some point, Chu Mubai stood in front of her, looking at her coldly.

She looked at her blankly, wondering why Chu Mubai looked at her like this.

"The emperor is asking about your new medical girl." Qin Changting reminded in a low voice.

This dead girl dared to wander around in front of Chu Mubai because she was favored by Chu Mubai, right?

"My majesty, the five of them will enter the palace without any medical foundation, so there must be a probationary period. Their probationary period is three months. If they fail to pass the assessment by then, the imperial hospital will not be able to accommodate such a vase!" Han Shushu straightened Color replied.

Some things must be clarified, this is a matter of principle, who cares what family is behind them?
"Han Aiqing is the court judge and the teacher of the new female doctor. This matter is determined by Han Aiqing." Chu Mubai said, looking at the flushed beauties beside him, and asked, "Who is Zhao Fei'er?"

As soon as Zhao Fei'er heard her own name, she immediately stepped forward excitedly: "Fei'er respectfully invites the emperor Jinan, long live my emperor!"

She looked at Chu Mubai's face with restless cat eyes, and made no secret of her admiration for Chu Mubai.

This is her future husband, and only such a dragon among men is worthy of her beauty.This man will be hers in the future!

Chu Mubai glanced at Zhao Fei'er, then looked away, looked at Han Shushu, and lifted his lips indifferently: "You are quite beautiful."

For a while, everyone just felt incomprehensible.

Is Chu Mubai talking about Zhao Feier's beauty, or Han Shushu's beauty?

After all, it was Zhao Feier who was talking to Chu Mubai, but Han Shushu was the one Chu Mubai was looking at.

(End of this chapter)

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